HomeAgri GenomicsGM Mustard DMH-11 field trials shows 28-37% more yields than check varieties

GM Mustard DMH-11 field trials shows 28-37% more yields than check varieties

source- public domain(123rf.com)

DMH-11 has been tested for three years against national check Varuna and zonal check RL1359 in confined field trials at multiple locations in India.

According to Dr Jitendra Singh Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences in a written reply to Parliament question about field trials of genetically modified (GM) Dhara Mustard Hybrid-11 (DMH-11) showed approximately 28 percent more yield than the national check and 37 percent more than the zonal checks.

 As per the statement, DMH-11 has been tested for three years against national check Varuna and zonal check RL1359 in confined field trials at multiple locations in India. The field trials were conducted to assess the impact on human health and the environment according to the stipulated guidelines and applicable rules. “Extensive studies carried out on toxicity, allergenicity, compositional analysis, field trials, and environmental safety studies of GM mustard lines vs. their non-transgenic comparators have provided evidence that they are safe for cultivation and for food and feed use. Visitation of bees to the transgenic lines is similar to the non-transgenic counterparts as per the data recorded during the trials,”.

Dr. Singh also said that bees present in the transgenic lines are similar to the non-transgenic counterparts as per the data recorded during the BRL-I and BRL-II trials conducted over three growing seasons at multiple locations as per the protocols approved by Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) and the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC).

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