HomeCompany NewsDharti Agro launches GMS based Cowpea (Lobia) Hybrids

Dharti Agro launches GMS based Cowpea (Lobia) Hybrids

source- public domain

 The hybrid requires less water with ability to withstand extreme climatic conditions, nutritionally rich and needs less resources

Nagpur based Dharti Agro Chemicals Pvt. Ltd is the first in the world to introduce GMS based Cowpea Hybrids in market and has released three hybrids in Cowpea – Bubbly, Sherly and Poorvaja. They have given extremely good performance in farmer’s field giving up to 100 per cent heterosis in regular season of Kharif and up to 200 to 250 per cent heterosis in off season providing almost two times the profit as compared to the traditional varieties. Asian and African countries where consumption of such legumes is high, Hybrid Cowpea can be the trend of future providing food security. Its better shelf life allows its transportation to long distance market, getting more rates.

Dharti Agro Chemicals Pvt Ltd. works with farmers to get insights that eases decision making and they invest more in R&D of products that help farmers make the most of every acre. The hybrid with less water requirement, ability to withstand extreme climatic conditions, nutritionally rich; less resource-demanding have attracted the interest of farmers, which has resulted in increased area of production of this crop. Their short duration also facilitates intercropping or crop rotation and thereby increases the farm income.

Dr Manoj S Phalak, with the development of genetic male sterility using mutation breeding in Cowpea with highly innovative and efficient way of cross pollination mechanism led the foundation of hybrids in the crop. Hybrids of Cowpea are highly suitable for off season cultivation and are not photoperiod sensitive. Heterosis Breeding uplifts the whole physiology of the crop by utilizing benefits from sum total of all good genes and interactions thereof. This results in higher yields, better disease tolerance, wider adaptability, better fruit quality and enhanced response to fertigation.

“At Dharti, the need for nutritionally secure food system and other global challenges has always been taken as fundamental driving force. Hence, as our step towards sustainability, we believe Hybrid Cowpea is a successful approach for today and future. It has provided sturdy and profitable alternative to prevalent vegetable crops and plays a key role in crop diversification. We take it as a responsibility to ensure that our products are desirable for large as well as small farmers”, said Vaibhav Kashikar, Executive Director, Dharti Agro Chemicals Pvt Ltd.

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