ICAR-Indian Institute of Soyabean Research, Indore has developed three varieties of soyabean, NRC 157, NRC 131, and NRC 136 which have been approved by the Government of Madhya Pradesh.
Dr Sanjay Gupta, principal scientist and breeder, said that NRC 157 (IS 157) is a medium-duration variety that matures in just 94 days. It has an average yield of 16.5 qt./ha. and is also moderately resistant to diseases like Alternaria leaf spots, bacterial pustules, and target leaf spots. Field trials in the institute have found NRC 157 suitable for delayed planting with minimum yield losses. Whereas talking about NRC 131 (IS131), he highlighted that it is a medium duration variety of 93 days, with an average yield of 15 qt./ha. This variety is moderately resistant to diseases like charcoal rot and target leaf spots.
Along with these two varieties, NRC 136 (IS 136) which has already notified for cultivation in eastern region of the country, has also been released for cultivation in Madhya Pradesh this year. Dr Gyanesh Kumar Satpute, the breeder of the variety and the principal scientist of the institute, said that this variety matures in 105 days with an average yield of 17 qt./ha. NRC 136 is moderately resistant to Moongbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) and is India’s first drought-tolerant variety.