HomeAgrotechBioceres Crop Solutions completes merger with Marrone Bio

Bioceres Crop Solutions completes merger with Marrone Bio

source- public domain

Marrone Bio will continue to operate its existing lines of business and products under the name ProFarm as a wholly owned subsidiary of Bioceres.

Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp., a fully integrated provider of crop productivity solutions designed to enable the transition of agriculture towards carbon neutrality, announced today the successful completion of its previously announced integration of Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc.

“MBI brings 15 years of experience in the development of biological solutions, and we are excited to add MBI´s unique product lineup and pipeline to Bioceres, a perfect fit to our own portfolio.”

The merger was approved by MBI stockholders at a Special Meeting held on July 8, 2022. The holders of 127,130,867 shares were present at the 2022 Special Meeting either virtually or by proxy, constituting a quorum of 69.7 per cent. The adoption of the Merger transaction, each share of MBI common stock was exchanged at closing for ordinary shares of Bioceres at a fixed exchange ratio of 0.088, representing a value of approximately $207 million, based on the Bioceres and MBI share prices at market close on July 11, 2022, and the number of current outstanding MBI shares. Newly issued Bioceres shares will commence trading on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol “BIOX”.

MBI will continue to operate its existing lines of business and products under the name ProFarm as a wholly owned subsidiary of Bioceres. North Carolina Headquarters will be discontinued, and corporate and business support functions will be assumed by Bioceres. “The resulting structure will lever expertise from ProFarm key employees, achieving a more diverse, global and cost-efficient organization, with operations in the U.S., Europe and Latin America,” said Chief Financial Officer, Enrique Lopez Lecube.

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