The MoA will help to excel in agribusiness in collaboration with co-agri-startups
The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has signed Memorandum of Agreement (MoAs) with 13 agri start-ups of Punjab Agri Business Incubator (PABI), Directorate of Extension Education (six under Udaan and seven under Uddam). These start-ups are selected by Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana – Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sectors Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India for grant-in-aid.
Dr Ashok Kumar, Director of Extension Education, PAU signed MoAs on behalf of PAU and congratulated the start-ups.
Dr TS Riar, Additional Director Communication, PAU and Principal Investigator, PABI, said that agri start-ups should work with full dedication to excel in agribusiness in collaboration with their co-agri-startups under all three cohorts of PABI.
Dr Poonam A Sachdev, Head, Department of Food Science and Technology, PAU and Co-Principal Investigator, PABI, urged the representatives of start-ups to utilise the grant-in-aid efficiently to generate employment in Punjab.