HomeLive StockAcquacultureBenson Hill finalises first commercial harvest of ultra-high protein soybean varieties

Benson Hill finalises first commercial harvest of ultra-high protein soybean varieties

Image credit: Benson Hill

Company’s proprietary soybean varieties demonstrate quality trait performance needed to execute commercial plans

Benson Hill, a food tech company unlocking the natural genetic diversity of plants with its cutting-edge food innovation engine is finalising the 2021 harvest of its proprietary soybean varieties, including the first commercial plantings of its Ultra-High Protein (UHP) soybeans. Results from the field to date demonstrate the data acquisition advantage of Benson Hill’s closed-loop supply chain and crop performance needed to meet the Company’s 2022 commercial plan.

Benson Hill leverages seed innovation and an integrated supply chain model to help solve downstream food formulation challenges upstream in the farmer’s field. The 2021 harvest of identity-preserved, proprietary soybeans with favourable protein, anti-nutrient, and oleic oil profiles will source the Company’s portfolio of nutritious and sustainable ingredients designed to serve the alternative plant-based meat, specialty cooking oil and other human food, animal feed, and aquaculture markets. The strong 2021 harvest results are an important landmark as the Company continues to execute its strategic plan to be the ‘picks and shovels’ of the plant-based food revolution.

Benson Hill measured the soy protein level, oil content, and non-GMO status across the UHP fields it contracted even before harvest was complete. The Company believes this visibility enables improved product operational efficiencies and confidence in the 2022 revenue potential for its Ingredient segment, an area where the Company expects substantial growth. Scale in this segment is further supported by Benson Hill’s recently acquired Indiana-based soy crushing facility providing commercialization of the Company’s proprietary soybean portfolio. 

Benson Hill is building a world-class on-farm soy protein expression data set to accelerate the improvement of its portfolio and pipeline.


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