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Tuesday / October 22. 2024
HomeNatureEnvironmentDiscovering better soil quality with biotechnology

Discovering better soil quality with biotechnology


The connection of soil health to the quality and quantity of the crops is linked directly

Biotechnology is the use of organisms, especially microorganisms to perform industrial processes. Today biotechnology is used in agriculture as it provides tools to the farmers to make their products cheaper and more manageable. According to, soil biotechnology can be defined as the study and manipulation of soil microorganisms and metabolic processes to optimise crop productivity. The quality of human health is directly dependent on the nutrition provided by ‘healthy foods’ grown in soils under sustainable conditions. The connection of soil health to the quality and quantity of the crops is linked directly. In short, the availability of food relies on the soil.

The soil has a dynamic ecosystem existing within it which includes microscopic or large organisms that perform vital roles such as nutrient cycling, controlling weeds and pests and holding in nutrients. Furthermore, soil provides the physical, chemical, and biological environment for sustaining plant growth. In India, the global population is projected to exceed 10 billion by 2050, coupled with climate change and competition for resources food security is a growing concern. Increasing the intensity of agriculture and farming won’t be enough to meet the future demand. Therefore, different approaches should be made, the increasing severity of this problem has led to important discoveries in the field of biotechnology which is one of the best solutions to combat the growing demand for food crops.

The main goal of using biotechnology in the field of soil management is to increase the carbon content, enhance water infiltration, ensure the availability of water at plant-root zones, reduce erosion, create a positive nutrient budget, and encourage beneficial organisms.

Biological soil conditioners is an example of biotechnology being used to enhance the quality of the soil. A variety of biological products such as bio-fertilisers and biostimulants are used to improve soil fertility. A bacterial fungus called mycorrhiza is added as an inoculum, which enables higher water and nutrient absorption. Compost tea is another example of how biotechnology can be used to improve the quality of the soil. The product of the compost is contained within a porous bag suspended in recirculating water within a container or a commercially available ‘tea brewer’. This is done to maintain the aerobic conditions of the soil. The fermented end products contain living microorganisms cultured from the compost, microbial metabolites that work to inhibit plant pathogens in the soil and enhance its quality.

Studies have shown that genetically modified crops indirectly impact the structure, function, and diversity of soil and rhizosphere microbial communities. Rhizosphere microorganisms play key roles in the soil-root environment by providing essential ecosystem services that benefit the soil. Some of these benefits include the decomposition of crop residues, maintaining biochemical cycles within the soil food webs and chains, and maintaining productivity. Transgenic crops such as cotton and corn are engineered to incorporate the gene, CrylAb, which codes for the production of an insecticidal protein that is released into the soil via root exudation, this helps enhance the quality of the soil.

Agriculture is an important factor in our future development to sustain a population of over 10 billion in2050 and to do so we must switch to sustainable practices that use biotechnology and are eco-friendly.   

Saisha Ketkar is a freelance writer from Mumbai


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