Control-Tec Eco allows a greater percentage of water used in the cleaning and processing of produce to be safely reused or returned to the environment
AgroFresh Solutions, a global AgTech innovator, has announced the expanded availability of Control-Tec sustainability technology systems across North America, South America, Europe and Australia/New Zealand following the successful implementation of these technologies in Chile. The customisable, automated post-harvest systems help packinghouse operators reduce water usage and increase the efficiency of the disease prevention process.
“At AgroFresh, we’re on the front lines of developing AgTech solutions, from the fields to the packinghouses, to reduce food loss and water waste while maximising harvest and fruit quality,” said Clint Lewis, CEO, AgroFresh.
Post-harvest water uses and the quality of the water returned to the environment have long been critical and addressable points in the food production process. Chilean processor and packer Premium Packaging Services (PPS), an industry leader for 20 years, has achieved a remarkable water sustainability and fungicide reduction impact with the Control-Tec Cherry system.
AgroFresh’s proprietary Control-Tec Cherry processing system integrates Control-Tec Eco, Control-Tec Dosifier and an upgraded data reporting software capability, all specially designed to enhance environmental benefits and gain operational cost efficiencies for cherry processing.
Control-Tec Eco allows a greater percentage of water used in the cleaning and processing of produce to be safely reused or returned to the environment by reducing the need for and frequency of water exchanges from prepared solution mixes; clarifying solution mixtures to allow reuse; minimising spills; improving phytosanitary output by reducing solution exchanges over longer periods, and filtering solution mixtures to reduce organic matter. Control-Tec Dosifier automatically optimises the use of fungicides based on the amount of fruit being processed.
AgroFresh offers a comprehensive range of Control-Tec technology solutions for packing lines, ripening rooms, storage rooms and facility disinfection resulting in more efficient and sustainable water use and the reuse and filtration of phytosanitary or disinfectant mixtures in hydro cooling, drenchers and rafts. Global installations of Control-Tec equipment total 600+ across 15 countries and continue to grow.