The webinar aims to develop a roadmap for promoting DSR for sustainable use and management of natural resources
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research recently organised a national webinar on ’Promotion of Direct Seeded Rice (DSR): Prospects and Challenges during COVID-19.’ The webinar was aimed at developing a roadmap for promoting the DSR for sustainable use and management of natural resources (soil, water and environment) critical for food, nutrition, and environmental security. More than 2,000 researchers, scientists, state government officials, manufacturers, students and progressive farmers virtually participated in the it
Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) and Director General (ICAR), emphasised the role of DSR in facing the challenges posed by climate change. The director-general outlined the global scenario of DSR and its benefits while highlighting the success of DSR during 2020 amidst the labour scarcity due to the national lockdown. Dr Mohapatra also underlined certain researchable issues like urgent DSR suited varieties, herbicide tolerance and resistance, etc.
Dr Ashok Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General (Agricultural Extension), ICAR highlighted the importance of rice in general and DSR in particular in meeting the increasing food demand with limited natural resources. Outlining the pathway to promote DSR, the DDG emphasised the targeting of technology while considering all the stakeholders.
Dr Suresh Kumar Chaudhari, Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management), ICAR stressed resource-conserving technologies like DSR. The scientific background of what direct seeding of rice does to soil and water movement was highlighted in the DDG’s address.