HomeAgrotechBASF Digital Farming launches xarvio CONNECT for farmers

BASF Digital Farming launches xarvio CONNECT for farmers


Farmers, advisors can assess machinery performance, along with crop and field conditions

BASF Digital Farming has introduced xarvio CONNECT – a new portable hardware device that supports the fast, secure and seamless exchange of data between xarvio FIELD MANAGER and machinery terminals. The innovative solution is being trialled with selected farmers across Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and the UK.

xarvio CONNECT uses a SIM card and mobile phone network to create a closed chain of communication with xarvio FIELD MANAGER. Farmers can simply create an application task in xarvio FIELD MANAGER, such as planting or fertilising, then export it wirelessly to xarvio CONNECT.

Once in the field, xarvio CONNECT is plugged into the USB port of the machinery terminal and the task transfer process automatically begins. No ISOBUS or integration with CAN bus is needed. Transferred files are uploaded in just minutes and the application task can begin.

On completion of a task the as-applied maps are saved in xarvio CONNECT and can be shared wirelessly with xarvio FIELD MANAGER. This ensures tasks for selected fields and field zones are documented. Farmers and advisors can also use this information to assess machinery performance, along with crop and field conditions, which increases transparency and enhances overall quality control.

“Making farming more convenient and productive are key priorities. xarvio CONNECT helps us achieve this by pairing an innovative, portable hardware solution with our market-leading crop optimisation platform xarvio FIELD MANAGER. The new device saves farmers time while reducing the potential for error because machinery terminal integration is quick, simple and no USB stick is required,” says Denis Khomich, Digital Farming Engineering Manager, BASF Digital Farming.


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