The portal enables consumers to know the source of honey and assure quality of the products
Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar launched “Madhukranti’ and Honey Corners of NAFED today in New Delhi. ‘Madhukranti is an initiative of National Bee Board (NBB), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare under National Beekeeping & Honey Mission (NBHM). This portal is being developed for online registration to achieve traceability source of Honey and other beehive products on a digital platform. The technical and banking partner for development of this digital platform is Indian Bank. A MoU between NBB and Indian Bank was signed for this project.
Addressing the launching ceremony Tomar said Honey Mission will lead to increase in income of farmers, employment generation and increase in exports. Sweet Revolution should spread all over the country and Indian honey should meet global standards, he added.
Necessary functionalities are being developed on the Portal to create a database of all stakeholders involved in Honey and other hive products’ production, sales and marketing chain. On-line Registration of beekeepers is being launched today in first phase, followed by registration of other stake-holders in Honey Trade. All sales transactions in Honey trading in country shall be captured through a mobile app in second phase to achieve desired results in the area of Honey source traceability.
Online registration/ traceability system for source of Honey & other beehive products will help in checking the quality & source of adulteration of honey. The system will also enable consumers/public to know the source of honey and assure quality of the products.