HomeAgroPolicyActs & Schemes – CentreICAR, MoFPI to jointly support micro level food entrepreneurs 

ICAR, MoFPI to jointly support micro level food entrepreneurs 

source-public domain(ICAR)

It will strengthen the exchange of scientific and technical information and need based research for one district one product initiatives.

A MoU has been signed in the presence of Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Food Processing Industries between the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI).

The partnership between the two organizations will strengthen the activities of capacity development, exchange of scientific and technical information and need based research for one district one product initiatives and other products under the Pradhan Mantri Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme.

The Prime Minister Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme is being implemented by MoFPI under Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan to support micro level food entrepreneurs, FPOs/SHGs/ Cooperatives. The scheme includes four major components for support to individual and groups of micro enterprises; branding and marketing, strengthening and setting up robust project management frameworks and development by incubation centres for common processing and training to entrepreneurs. The provision of seed capital of up to Rs 40, 000 for working capital and purchase of tools to members of SHGs and others engaged in food processing is also provided.

The ICAR with 103 research institutions, 11 Agriculture Technology Application Research Institutes (ATARIs) and 721 KVKs deals with crops, livestock, fisheries, natural resources management, agricultural mechanization, farmers outreach and higher agricultural education. 


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