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It aims to protect from early-season insects and diseases, along with nitrogen fixation to help maximize the seed investment. 



BASF is strengthening its soybean seed treatment portfolio with the introduction of three new products such as  Vault IP Plus seed treatment, Poncho XC seed treatment and Relenya seed treatment.  All the three products are recently registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

“Our enhanced soybean seed treatment portfolio offers growers a strong start to their growing season Now with a complete line-up of seed treatment solutions BASF provides premium protection from early-season insects and diseases, along with nitrogen fixation to help maximize their seed investment”, said Melissa Chu, product manager, Seed Treatment.


Vault IP Plus seed treatment is the new standard to inoculate and protect soybean seed. To maximize yield potential, soybean crops require a lot of nitrogen and up to 60 percent comes from beneficial rhizobia bacteria

Plus, the seed treatment’s dual biofungicide component provides effective protection against soil borne diseases including Fusarium and Rhizoctonia – two major fungal pathogens causing root rot. This added protection works alongside base fungicides to give soybeans an extended period of protection from fungal diseases, right from the start.

Poncho XC delivers immediate efficacy against damaging early season insects such as aphids, bean leaf beetles, thrips and white grubs. Its systemic mode of action protects the entire plant, supporting healthier plant establishment. It also provides a consistent yield benefit across a wide range of geographies and environments.

Relenya seed treatment offers soybean growers a powerful new seed-applied tool for disease management. Powered by Revysol fungicide, Relenya can be added to a base fungicide foundation to boost disease protection under Fusarium and Rhizoctonia pressure. When partnered with a base package, Relenya will also boost yield potential under varied levels of disease pressure.

Vault IP Plus, Poncho XC and Relenya join ILEVO and Obvius Plus seed treatments to create a comprehensive portfolio of early-season soybean solutions. Together these products will offer soybean growers superior protection against insects and disease as well as a performance boost from Relenya seed treatment.

Inputs- seed world


It aims to protect from early-season insects

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center’s screening nurseries in Bolivia and Bangladesh evaluated

Wheat blast caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum (MoT) is an emerging threat to wheat production. To identify genomic regions associated with blast resistance against MoT isolates in Bolivia and Bangladesh, scientists performed a large genome-wide association mapping study using 8607 observations on 1106 lines from the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre’s International Bread Wheat Screening Nurseries (IBWSNs) and Semi-Arid Wheat Screening Nurseries (SAWSNs).

They were able to identify 36 significant markers on chromosomes 2AS, 3BL, 4AL and 7BL with consistent effects across panels or site-years, including 20 markers that were significant in all the 49 datasets and tagged the 2NS translocation from Aegilops ventricosa. This study reinforces the effectiveness of the 2NS translocation for blast resistance and emphasizes the urgent need to identify novel non-2NS sources of blast resistance.

While wheat imported from Brazil was considered to be the likely source of the disease, a combination of warm and humid conditions during the heading stage triggered the epidemic, that is generally favored by high temperatures between 25 and 30 °C and an increased wetting period. The blast outbreak in Bangladesh escalated concerns of spread into the neighboring South Asian regions with similar environmental conditions5, and about seven million hectares in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh were estimated to be vulnerable to the disease.

Management of wheat blast using fungicides is possible, but has been reported to be elusive, because of the inefficiency of fungicides in offering complete control under high disease pressure, the resistance in MoT populations to some classes of fungicides, and the high cost of the fungicides that cannot be afforded by resource-poor farmers.

The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center’s

It offers high yield, excellent standability and strong performance during drought and excess moisture environments 


Alta Seeds, the premium seed brand of Advanta US and a leading provider of premium genetics and technology specific to sorghum has introduced EMPYR Premier Forages, a complete line of forage sorghum, sudangrass and sorghum-sudan hybrids. EMPYR forages are best in field and feed and combine the industry’s top forage characteristics into one convenient package, delivering more profit to growers and livestock producers.

“The one thing we hear over and over from livestock producers is they need high-tonnage forages. But nutrition quality is equally important. With EMPYR Premier Forages, producers get a complete forage product with the industry’s top characteristics,” says Mark Kirk, Eastern/Western Regional Account Manager, Alta Seeds.

Livestock producers, feeders and nutritionists can rely on EMPYR Premier Forages to provide high-volume, consistent forage through tough weather conditions. EMPYR hybrids feature genetics that offer high yield, excellent standability and strong performance during drought and excess moisture environments. When conditions move from flood to drought in the span of one season, or water restrictions force a change in production, forage sorghums offer a water-efficient, sustainable solution.

“In side-by-side comparisons, our EMPYR forage sorghum silage is equal to or better than corn silage, in many cases with fewer input costs,” Kirk adds. “Livestock producers need all of the economic edge they can get, and EMPYR helps them accomplish their production goals.”


Inputs- Seed World

It offers high yield, excellent standability and

Covers 140 technologies in detail

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has launched an e-book ’Creating Wealth from Agricultural Waste’ that covers 140 technologies extensively. The technologies have explored different arenas of wealth creation utilizing various waste material generated during agricultural activities whether it be the waste generated during crop harvesting, crop processing, product synthesis etc.

Some of these technologies have been transferred or commercialized, several of these are presently at various stages of commercialization.

Documentation of these technologies in form of a compendium will attract different stakeholder and will be a stepping stone for creating business ventures around them to create employment opportunities in the rural areas which will in turn contribute towards a strong and Atmanirbhar Bharat.

The e-book is available for download at ICAR,s website at https://icar.org.in/node/14655.

Covers 140 technologies in detailThe Indian Council

It aims to strengthen BASF’s competitive positioning in the non-selective herbicide segment


BASF will close its site in Muskegon, Michigan (USA), and one out of three production plants at its site in Knapsack (Germany). These sites produce glufosinate-ammonium (GA), a non-selective herbicide, and its intermediates. The closures are expected to be finalized by 2022 at the latest; in total, they will affect around 100 employees. In future, production will be concentrated at the remaining plants and sites in Germany, the United States, as well as Canada. 

“This step is part of further developing the GA business long-term to strengthen BASF’s competitive positioning in the non-selective herbicide segment to better serve our customers,” said Vincent Gros, President of BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. “We remain committed to the GA product line, as the recently announced acquisition of the Glu-LTM technology from AgriMetis LLC shows.”


Detailed timelines for the planned plant and site closures will be worked out in the coming months. Employee representatives will be involved according to local rules and regulations. Wherever possible the company will support employees to pursue other opportunities within BASF Group.

Source- BASF

It aims to strengthen BASF’s competitive positioning

Prevents infections such as clinical mastitis

Managing cow’s health and performance is an uphill battle for dairy farmers. Cows are prone to intramammary infection, which is at its highest at drying off and around calving and also during the first days of lactation, making dry cow management fundamental to any on-farm mastitis control program. Using internal teat sealants, such as Sureseal from Northern Ireland based company Norbrook, contain bismuth subnitrate and mimic the action of the natural keratin plug in preventing infection of the teat canal.

Modern dairy systems result in slow or incomplete keratin plug formation. Studies show that in high-yielding cows, up to 23 per cent of teats will have an incomplete keratin plug 42 days post dry-off. Sureseal provides a physical seal between the udder and the environment, thus preventing bacteria entering the mammary gland via the teat canal. Infections picked up during the dry period can manifest as clinical mastitis in the days immediately around calving or the first weeks of lactation.

Studies have shown that use of a teat seal in conjunction with dry cow antibiotic therapy significantly reduces the risk for acquiring a new intramammary infection in the period between drying off and the first three days of lactation.

Prevents infections such as clinical mastitisManaging cow’s

Manufacturing Leadership Council has recognized CNH for outstanding achievement in collaborative innovation and operational excellence 


 CNH Industrial has announced that it has received two 2020 Manufacturing Leadership Awards for outstanding achievement in the following categories: Collaborative Innovation and Operational Excellence. The awards, chosen by a panel of expert judges, were presented at the virtual Manufacturing Leadership Awards Event on October 8, 2020. Now in its 16th year, the awards, conferred by the Manufacturing Leadership Council, a division of the National Association of Manufacturers which is the largest manufacturing association in the United States, honour manufacturing companies and individual leaders that are shaping the future of global manufacturing.


Winner of the Collaborative Innovation Leadership category, CNH Industrial’s project entitled the Mixed Reality Parametric Environment for Product Development (MR4PD) is a virtual environment used in the design of new agricultural machines.  The MR4PD allows the customer to be involved in the development process from the concept phase through to the finished product. Immersed in a virtual world, the user can experience the new product’s full range of features in a variety of simulated farm environments. The project offers significant benefits both in terms of reduced product development costs and time to market. By testing a new product using the Virtual Reality Environment instead of physical testing, CO2 is also significantly reduced through the elimination of all material and fuel consumption usually associated with the construction of physical prototypes.


CNH Industrial’s second award, this time in the Operational Excellence Leadership category, recognizes the pioneering Forklift Simulator Using Virtual Reality Technology project – a fully immersive, virtual reality simulator that gives logistics equipment operators the opportunity to train in multiple scenarios, while feedback is provided in real-time to both user and trainer. The project has led to a 50% reduction in training time for new operators, while the implementation of a proactive defensive driving training program for existing operators is designed to reduce risks within the Company’s plants.


These awards represent two major achievements for CNH Industrial and demonstrate the company’s on-going commitment to creating a better future through sustainable and innovative engineering.


Manufacturing Leadership Council has recognized CNH for

Under the new insurance scheme, a cover of Rs 40,000 per acre will be provided to farmers

Under the new insurance scheme, a cover of Rs 40,000 per acre will be provided to farmers, Dalal said.

14 vegetables including tomatoes, onions, potatoes, cabbage, peas, carrots, okra, gourd, bitter gourd, brinjals, green chillies, capsicum, cauliflower and radish will be covered under the insurance scheme, he was quoted as saying in a statement.

Similarly, horticultural crops kinnow, guava, mango, jujube (ber), turmeric and garlic will also be covered under the scheme.

The state government’s aim is to minimise the borrowing of farmers from ‘arthiyas’ (commission agents) and moneylenders, and a proposal is under consideration to create an emergency fund to provide immediate financial assistance to farmers during any kind of emergency.

Dalal, according to the statement, said the income of farmers should not only increase from farming but also from other related areas such as animal husbandry.


Under the new insurance scheme, a cover

Reviton is a PPO-inhibitor herbicide with a novel active ingredient called Tergeo™

Florida-based HELM Agro US, Inc., a global manufacturer of high-quality crop protection and fertilizer products has recently announced that Reviton herbicide has received federal registration from the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Reviton is a PPO-inhibitor herbicide with a novel active ingredient called Tergeo™. It is a non-selective herbicide for the pre-plant burndown and desiccation segments in field corn, cotton, soybeans and wheat.

In more than 700 North American product development trials and regulatory studies, Reviton has demonstrated extremely promising performance ratings in burndown control for more than 50 broadleaf and grass weeds, including ALS, triazine and glyphosate-resistant species. 

Additional characteristics of the new herbicide include an ultra-low use rate, tank-mix compatibility, crop rotational flexibility and expanded use as a desiccant for cotton. The new product is also fast-acting with herbicidal effects occurring within 24 hours after application.

Classified as a Group 14 herbicide, Reviton will be formulated as a suspension concentrate containing 2.83 pounds of active ingredient per gallon.

Tergeo is a new molecule discovered by Farm Hannong, a Korean agrochemical company, and developed and registered by ISK Biosciences Corporation, a subsidiary of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd., for use in the United States. Earlier this year, HELM Agro US and ISK Biosciences Corporation agreed to collaborate regarding the distribution of Reviton herbicide for the U.S. crop protection market.


Reviton is a PPO-inhibitor herbicide with a

New hybrid corn seed for farmers in Bihar

Bayer Crop Science, a leading player in Indian agriculture has recently launched ‘DKC 9188’, a high-yielding hybrid corn seed for progressive corn farmers in Bihar. With DKC 9188, farmers can look forward to higher yields of superior quality corn in the upcoming Rabi season.  

DKC 9188 is Bayer’s latest product offering from its DEKALB® brand portfolio of high-yielding hybrid corn seeds that enjoys immense trust from Indian farmers.

Simon Wiebusch, COO, Bayer Crop Science, said, “DKC 9188 with its high yield potential, wider adaptability and strong plant type will empower Bihar’s progressive farmers to boost their corn yields and improve Bihar’s contribution to India’s national corn output. Farmers in the state are already leading the way in terms of corn production and the adoption of new technologies. Bayer is committed to supporting corn farmers with innovative seed and crop protection products along with integrated crop solutions to help them achieve higher productivity and profitability per acre.”

Bayer markets 25 DEKALB® hybrids in India, all of which have been bred and developed specifically to suit India’s diverse agronomic and climatic conditions. DKC 9188 in particular provides better plant strength compared to other hybrids and delivers uniform, long corn cobs and shiny grains with strong yield stability and higher yield potential.

This new corn hybrid is suited to multiple soil types and a wider sowing window and provides farmers flexibility in their planting decisions. It is best suited for planting from October 15 onwards and will help corn farmers achieve high returns even in difficult weather conditions.

New hybrid corn seed for farmers in

Referring to high milk, sugar, and wheat production in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana and Punjab, Modi said such models of local enterprise will take the country forward

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said his government’s farm reforms will create opportunities to take farmers to entrepreneurship and added his regime is focussed on increasing their income.

Terming the farm reforms as historic, the Prime Minister said, “Today opportunities are being created to take farming and farmers from the role of annadata (food provider) to entrepreneurship.”

Referring to high milk, sugar, and wheat production in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana and Punjab, Modi said such models of local enterprise will take the country forward.

He said there was a time after Independence when the country did not have sufficient food stock.

“The governments priority then was to increase food production. So the entire focus was on increasing production. Farmers toiled hard to achieve the objective,” Modi said.

“But governments and policies did not pay attention towards profitability of farmers while being concerned about increasing productivity.

“People forgot about income for farmers. But for the first time, this thinking has been changed,” he said and listed steps the Centre has taken for the welfare of farmers.


Referring to high milk, sugar, and wheat

Clamshell is made with food grade adhesives and printed with vegetable-based inks. 




In order to help move the produce industry away from plastic and increase recyclability, Markon Cooperative has introduced new cardboard, fully recyclable strawberry clamshell.

The package, designed for its Markon First Crop (MFC) two-pound strawberries. It is made with food grade adhesives and printed with vegetable-based inks. The clamshell is 100 per cent recyclable within operators’ existing recycling options.

Mark Shaw, Markon’s Vice President of Operations said, “Bringing to market a more sustainable packaging option for our members and foodservice operators is an important step in our commitment to make meaningful changes to reduce our environmental impact while still inspiring culinary innovation and creativity”.

He also added that by converting the 4/2-pound MFC Strawberry clamshells from plastic to cardboard, nearly 30 tons of plastic will be saved annually from going into landfills.a

Markon have partnered with California Giant Berry Farms to create the new cardboard clamshells. The foodservice-friendly, 4/2-pound pack size is being packed in California and available in limited supply exclusively to operators through Markon’s member companies.

“This new sustainable packaging for foodservice produce is yet another example of how Markon is actively working to push the industry and our operators forward,” added Shaw.






Clamshell is made with food grade adhesives

It will help curb rice husk ash pollution arises out of burning paddy waste


 Rice husk is one of the most widely available agricultural wastes. The process of disposal of rice husks looks more crucial as burning the material each year during the winters has been creating a severe environmental challenge. While the husk is often used to meet energy requirements for rice milling, this process produces an enormous amount of ash (approx. 20%) which is a hazardous material to the environment. Researchers at IIT Kharagpur have devised an economic and eco-friendly way to dispose of this biowaste. 

A team of researchers from IIT Kharagpur’s Dept. of Agricultural and Food Engineering have developed a chemical treatment which will separate the silica content in the husk ash residue which is about 90 – 95% and neutralize the remaining biomass for disposal in water bodies.


“The silica extracted on purification has the potential of commercial-grade silica which can further be used for the production of metallurgical and solar grade silicon, confirmed the researchers,” said lead researcher Prof. A K Datta.


Four different alkalis, namely, KOH, K2CO3, NaOH, and Na2CO3, and two different solvents, namely, water and alcohol (ethanol) were selected to accomplish the extraction process. The physical and chemical characterizations of the extracted silica were evaluated using a field-emission scanning electron microscope attached with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer, X-ray diffractometer, Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer, and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. 

To make the process eco-friendly and pollution-free, the rice husk ash was initially dispersed into the water and then Na2CO3 was added to it. As a result, carbonic acid was produced instead of CO2, which is harmless for the environment. 

“The results of the study suggested that the morphological, microstructural and compositional characteristics of the extracted silica nanoparticles (SiO2-NPs) are at par with the market available silica” explained Prof. Datta. 

The researchers have conducted a cost analysis of the treatment of silica samples to compare the costs with market grade silica. The result of the study suggested that the silica nanoparticle obtained from rice husk ash can be a suitable low-cost precursor for Magnesium silicide.

It will help curb rice husk ash

SMARTKAS will transform the desert into luscious farms by populating them with high tech SMARTKAS units.

Dutch-based SMARTKAS is going to build an R&D centre in Toulouse to research artificial pollination (mimicry), full automated harvest and a new generation farming AI. SMARTKAS wants to create a platform (the SMARTKAS platform) where experts can tackle social, economical, and environmental challenges with special focus on food security. The Food Security as a Service or FSAS model has become the signature model of SMARTKAS, because it not only builds but also operates the units, creating a true one-stop-shop for agriculture in any country.

Dr David Meszaros, CEO and Founder, SMARTKAS BV signed a joint venture agreement in Dubai with Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi, UAE. SMARTKAS has entered into this agreement with the HBK Department of Projects. Together HBK DoP, SMARTKAS will transform the desert into luscious farms by populating them with high tech SMARTKAS units. By producing food in the sand, SMARTKAS will ensure that food security in the GCC area (Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf).

SMARTKAS will be one of the attractions showcased at the upcoming Dubai Expo which will take place from October 1, 2021- March 31, 2022. Here SMARTKAS will be featuring their upcoming installation just outside of Dubai.

“The mission of SMARTKAS is to make access to food and water a basic human right. This is why we partner up with the market leaders instead of competing with them; we focus on sharing and scaling together instead of infighting and margin cutting. We are technologically and ideologically agnostic” said Dr Meszaros.

“Food security is among the top priorities for the Emirates, especially after the devastating impact of COVID-19. Our joint venture with SMARTKAS will bring about the future of agriculture in the UAE” commented Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Nahyan.

Anwar Husseing, Group CEO, HBK Department of Projects added, “As project promoters and investors, we see the unique opportunity this collaboration brings to the table. SMARTKAS is a disruptive agtech company and together with HBK, we have our eyes on the bigger picture which is ensuring food security in not only the UAE but potentially the entire GCC area.

Source: EIN Presswire



SMARTKAS will transform the desert into luscious