More than 200 farmers participated in the program
Farmers’-Scientists’ Forum and Rabi Crops Mela was virtually organized by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Jalna-II, Maharashtra on October 20, 2020. Dr Lakhan Singh, Director, Indian Council of Agricultural Research -Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ICAR-ATARI), emphasized on the need to develop the newly created KVK as a model KVK.He said that this can be made possible by creating functional demonstration units, making instructional farm examples, demonstrating latest technologies to be used in the varied agro-ecologies of the district and building strong relationships with other organizations.
He stressed on the need to focus on doubling the farmers’ income, crop diversification, post-harvest processing, value-addition, drought mitigation technologies and skill development.
The need to adopt BBF technology for chickpea cultivation, management practices to be followed in cotton cultivation, planning for the Rabi crops and focusing more on water harvesting and creating a water budget to stop excess exploitation of natural resources were the other aspects presented during the program. Over 200 farmers participated in the program.