HomeAgrotechPlantai launches app for automatic fruit counting

Plantai launches app for automatic fruit counting

Image credit: Google play

Its objective is to give the entire citrus production chain an extremely simple way to obtain a number of fruits existing

Plantai, a Brazilian based startup has recently announced the launch of the very first application of the market that provides citrus crop estimates based on photos taken from a cell phone. Elaborated with Artificial Intelligence and intensively tested in the field, its objective is to give the entire citrus production chain an extremely simple, cheap, fast and uncomplicated way to obtain a number of fruits existing in a citrus tree and in an orchard.

The subjectivity, reliability, storage and analysis of information collected in the field have always been challenging elements in the history of citrus crop estimation in the world.

Plantai has created an application that does not need an Internet connection in the field for automatic counting and fruit estimation. The producer can simply take pictures with the built-in camera application of their cell phone and then open them in the Plantai app for counting and estimating. Very few photos are needed in a plot to automatically count the fruit and display the estimated results.

Because of the ease and technology used, the grower will be able to follow the evolution of the number of fruits in his orchard from the stage where the fruit is still green.

Three consecutive harvests were used to validate the statistical model of the Plantai which took into account the variety, age and size of the fruits. With the Plantai method one can make several yield maps at various times during a crop. Where the consumer has several “radiographs” of the evolution of what is most valuable in your orchard.



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