It provides superior field performance, excellent root stimulation and drought tolerance.
Advanced Biological Marketing (ABM) announces a new product launch for 2021. It is a metabolite, derived from Trichoderma and has consistently provided increased yields in numerous field trials. This novel product is ABM’s first non-living biological seed treatment. It will also be available as an in-furrow application.
It provides superior field performance, excellent root stimulation and drought tolerance. These benefits provide yield increases of up to 11 bushels per acre. The product is expected to be available in early 2021.
“We are excited about this product development that came out of our R&D facility in Geneva New York. It is a result of our extensive work with Trichoderma. Dr Molly Cadle-Davidson and her team have worked hard to provide a unique product that will be a benefit for farmers and be easy to use for our seed customers,” says Dan Custis, President and CEO of ABM.
This new liquid seed treatment has a low application rate of only 0.1 fluid ounces per unit of seed. The development started in 2014 and work continues as other applications and uses are being explored. Financial assistance was provided by a grant from The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) through the National Science Foundation.
Source: ABM