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The vaccine was initially plant-based, but it has been tested on volunteers and animals at the Research Centre for Standardisation of Medicinal Forms of the Pharmaceutical Institute in Tashkent

Scientists in Uzbekistan have developed an edible COVID-19 vaccine called TOMAVAC made from tomatoes. According to a report on the Frontiers research journal website, the researchers used special vectors to insert a fragment of the gene that encodes the S1 antigenic protein of the coronavirus into the genome of tomato cells. They obtained a tomato plant that could reproduce the S1 antigenic protein from these cells. The fruits of these plants were used to create the TOMAVAC vaccine, which provides two levels of protection against COVID-19.

The vaccine was initially plant-based, but it has been tested on volunteers and animals at the Research Centre for Standardisation of Medicinal Forms of the Pharmaceutical Institute in Tashkent. The institutional ethics board of the Centre for Genomics and Bioinformatics approved the research. Scientists have been working on this vaccine since January 2021 and the results are quite promising.

According to Frontiers research journal, the initial findings from a small-scale proof-of-concept study show great potential for creating an affordable, environmentally friendly, and harmless edible plant-based COVID-19 vaccine. This could potentially offer long-lasting dual protection against the virus, reducing its spread and severity, and ultimately contributing to better global health.

The vaccine was initially plant-based, but it

DG, ICAR appreciate the efforts of scientists in developing the vaccine for H9N2 virus.

‘Inactivated low pathogenic avian influenza (H9N2) vaccine for chickens’, developed by the scientists of ICAR- National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (ICAR-NIHSAD), Bhopal was transferred to Globion India, Secunderabad; Venkateshwara Hatcheries, Pune; Indovax, Gurgaon and Hester Biosciences, Ahmedabad, facilitated by Agrinnovate India (AgIn) at the National Agriculture Science Complex (NASC), New Delhi.

Speaking at the occasion of the technology transfer of the H9N2 vaccine for chickens, Himanshu Pathak, Secretary,Department of Agricultural Research (DARE) & Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), appreciated the efforts of the ICAR-NIHSAD scientists in the development of the indigenous vaccine for H9N2 virus and commended the Agrinnovate India (AgIn) for the efforts in the transfer of the technology to the industry.

DG, ICAR appreciate the efforts of scientists

Reports net profit of Rs 10.16 Cr and revenue from operations of Rs 123.85 Cr

Hester Biosciences Ltd has reported a consolidated revenue of Rs 73.15 crore in Q2FY23, a growth of 17 per cent YoY. The company has achieved the highest quarterly sales in its history. The substantial increase in the current quarter sales has offset the degrowth in Q1 FY23.The increase in sales largely attributes to a spurt in the demand for the Goat Pox Vaccine to control the outbreak of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in cattle in the country.

With no specific vaccine available for LSD in India, Goat Pox Vaccine was permitted for use as a heterologous vaccine to immunise cattle against LSD. Hester has been and continues to be the dominant supplier of the Goat Pox Vaccine to various State Government bodies and in the private sector. The company’s vaccine sales have increased by 24 per cent in Q2 while it shows a degrowth in H1 due to significant low sales in Q1 for poultry vaccines.

Reports net profit of Rs 10.16 Cr

The vaccine is expected to help control of Goat Pox disease in the country

Indian Immunologicals Limited (IIL), a leading vaccine manufacturer base out of Hyderabad, has launched ‘Goat Pox Vaccine (Raksha Goat Pox)’ for the significant Goat population in the country. Raksha Goat Pox vaccine is expected to help control of Goat Pox disease in the country, which has high economic importance among country’s rural livestock growers.

IIL’s Raksha Goat Pox vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine IP (Uttarkashi strain) grown on Vero Cell Culture. The Primary vaccination to be done at 3 months of age and revaccination annually with a dose rate of 1 ml, to be administered subcutaneously.  The technology for vaccine manufacturing and testing of Goat Pox Vaccine was obtained from Indian Council of Agriculture Research – Indian Veterinary Research Institute (ICAR- IVRI), Government of India and has been tested and certified by IVRI for commercial release.  

Speaking on the occasion from the launch, Managing Director of IIL, Dr K Anand Kumar said, “Indian Immunologicals is committed to introducing such products for the national interest and will abundantly help marginal livestock growers of their livelihood and protect their flock from various diseases. Dr Priyabrata Pattnaik, Deputy Managing Director and Sobhan Babu, Vice President – Animal Health Trade of IIL were also present in the Goat Pox Vaccine launch event.

Earlier IIL launched several other vaccines such as Classical Swine Fever vaccine, PPR Vaccine etc under tech transfer arrangement with IVRI. 

The vaccine is expected to help control