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As of October 31, 2022, more than 96 per cent of cane dues of farmers for SS 2021-22 have already been cleared despite record procurement of sugarcane of more than Rs 1.18 lakh crore

The government of India has allowed the export of sugar up to 60 Lakh Metric Tonne (LMT) during the sugar season (SS) 2022-23. The Director General of Food Trade (DGFT) has already been notified to extend the inclusion of sugar exports under the ‘Restricted’ category up to October 31, 2023.

The Central Government has prioritised the availability of about 275 (LMT) of sugar for domestic consumption, about 50 LMT of sugar for diversion to ethanol production and has a closing balance of about 60 LMT as of 30.09.2023. A balanced quantity of sugar produced by sugar mills in the country would be allowed for exports. Since at the beginning of sugar season 2022-23, initial estimates of sugarcane production are available, it has been decided to allow the export of 60 LMT sugar. The sugarcane production in the country will be reviewed periodically and based on the latest available estimates, the quantity of sugar exports to be allowed could be reconsidered.

During SS 2021-22, India exported 110 LMT of sugar and became the second largest exporter of sugar in the world and earned about Rs 40,000 crore worth of foreign exchange for the country. Timely payment and low carrying cost of stocks for sugar mills also resulted in early clearance of cane arrears of farmers. As of October 31, 2022, more than 96 per cent of cane dues of farmers for SS 2021-22 were already cleared despite record procurement of sugarcane of more than 1.18 lakh crore rupees.

In the sugar export policy for SS 2022-23, Government has announced a sugar mill-wise export quota for all sugar mills in the country with an objective system based on the average production of sugar mills in the last three years and the average sugar production of the country in last 3 years. Further, to expedite the sugar exports and to ensure flexibility to sugar mills in the execution of the export quota, mills may decide to surrender the quota partially or fully within 60 days of the date of issue of the order or they can swap the export quota with domestic quota within 60 days.

At the end of Sugar Season 2022-23, it is expected that most sugar mills will be able to sell their products either in the domestic market or in the international market through exports and will clear the cane dues of farmers in time. Thus, the policy has created a WIN-WIN situation for sugar mills in the country.

As of October 31, 2022, more than

To increase income of farmers, Government has increased FRP by more than 34% in past 8 years.

Keeping in view interest of sugarcane farmers (Ganna Kisan), the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs chaired by Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane for sugar season 2022-23 (October – September) at Rs. 305/qtl for a basic recovery rate of 10.25 per cent, providing a premium of Rs 3.05/qtl for each 0.1 per cent increase in recovery over and above 10.25 per cent, & reduction in FRP by Rs. 3.05/qtl for every 0.1% decrease in recovery. However, the Government with a view to protect interest of sugarcane farmers has also decided that there shall not be any deduction in case of sugar mills where recovery is below 9.5 per cent. Such farmers will get Rs 282.125/qtl for sugarcane in ensuing sugar season 2022-23 in place of Rs. 275.50/qtl in current sugar season 2021-22. FRP of sugarcane is fixed to ensure a guaranteed price to sugarcane growers. Government has increased FRP by more than 34% in past 8 years.

The A2 + FL cost of production of sugarcane (i.e actual paid out cost plus imputed value of family labour) for the sugar season 2022-23 is Rs 162/qtl. This FRP of Rs. 305/qtl at a recovery rate of 10.25 per cent is higher by 88.3 per cent over cost of production, thereby ensuring the promise of giving the farmers a return of more than 50 per cent over their cost. The FRP for sugar season 2022-23 is 2.6 per cent higher than current sugar season 2021-22.

Decision will benefit 5 crore sugarcane farmers (Ganna Kisan) and their dependents, as well as 5 lakh workers employed in the sugar mills and related ancillary activities. 9 years back, FRP was only Rs 210/ qtl in sugar season 2013-14 & only about 2397 LMT of sugarcane was purchased by sugar mills. Farmers were getting only about Rs. 51,000 cr from sale of sugarcane to sugar mills. However, in past 8 years Government has increased FRP by more than 34 per cent. In the current sugar season 2021-22, about 3,530 lakh tons of sugarcane of worth Rs. 1,15,196 crores was purchased by sugar mills, which is at all-time high.

To increase income of farmers, Government has