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MBS will also offer specially customised financial services to dairy farmers associated with Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS) in the dairy value chain.

Extending banking services in the rural hinterland of Assam, Manipal Business Solutions (MBS) partners with Assam Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Services Society (ARIAS) to deepen financial inclusion in the region, and the grant signing ceremony was held in Guwahati in presence of, Roshni Aparanji Korati, IAS, State Project Director, ARIAS Society.

Rural citizens are currently traveling miles to deposit a cheque or simply withdraw cash from their bank account, to address this challenge and bridge the urban-rural divide, MBS will reach the last mile and offer financial services such as savings, deposits, withdrawal, and micro pensions to farmers, landless agriculture labourers, tenant farmers, and sharecroppers in the rural regions of Assam.

Under this collaboration, MBS will enable the digitalisation of the dairy value chain in focused districts of Assam. The company will also offer specially customised financial services to dairy farmers associated with Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS) in the dairy value chain.

MBS will work closely with the leading financial intuitions to offer tailor-made products such as cattle loans, livestock insurance, personal loans, savings and investment services, payments, etc. for dairy farmers. These financial services will be delivered through the Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS), and FPOs at the village level to reduce credit and transaction costs.

Kamaljeet Rastogi, CEO, Manipal Business Solutions said “MBS in its objective of digitising the dairy value chain will reach out to more than 1 lakh dairy farmers in Assam. Thereby aiming to digitise 1000+ Crore dairy payments annually.” 

MBS will also offer specially customised