The new kit adds to Bionema’s portfolio of products for the agriculture, horticulture, turf amenity and forestry sectors
UK-based biopesticide technology company Bionema has been granted a new patent (UK Patent No. 2581540) that provides this unique tri-component offering ‘in a box’. The pest control kit comprises a number of entomopathogenic nematodes from the Heterorhabditis or Steinernema genera (depending on the target pest), a wetting agent composition (comprising a solvent and a surfactant) and comprehensive instructions for use. The kit provides biological control of immature larval insects which can act as pests to plants, including agricultural, forestry, horticultural, turf and amenities, or home garden use. The new pest control kit aims to provide safe and sustainable insect protection for turf and plants all year round.
Dr Minshad Ansari, CEO, Bionema said, “The technology associated with this product is both unique and cost-effective. Moreover, it is simple and user-friendly when used as part of this kit. We will always be there to support our customers and provide any advice they need, but this pest control kit is now available for people confident enough to go it alone, and it equips them to get the results they need from these beneficial nematodes.”
The new kit adds to Bionema’s portfolio of products for the agriculture, horticulture, turf amenity and forestry sectors.