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A three-year collaboration will focus on the introduction and scaling of bio-fortified, low glycemic index, and premium quality rice varieties.

 The state of Odisha produced nearly 11 million tons of rice in 2021, considerably contributing to the national food reserve and meeting the staple requirement of around 45 million of its population. The focus of the government has now shifted to diversify the state’s food basket to include healthier choices for consumers by mainstreaming nutritious rice varieties with high zinc, iron, protein, and low Glycaemic Index (GI) traits.

These high yielding nutritious rice varieties have great market potential and may be positioned as a premium product segment which could generate higher demand and economic value to producers. Varietal awareness, systematic seed access, a robust supply chain, and adoption in scale will be crucial for the sustenance and uptake of these rice varieties and create economies of scale. The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha, recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to accelerate the production of these varieties and explore its potential to improve consumer health outcomes, strengthen the formal and local seed systems, and create new market linkages for the wide scale production and distribution of new specialty rice varieties in Odisha.

Signed by Prem Chandra Chaudhary, Director of Agriculture and Food Production and IRRI Interim Director General Dr Ajay Kohli, the three-year collaboration will focus on the introduction and scaling of bio-fortified, low glycaemic index, and premium quality rice varieties. The project will be implemented under the overall supervision of IRRI Scientist and Principal Investigator, Dr Swati Nayak, South Asia Lead for Seed Systems.

The project will be implemented in the districts of Bhadrak, Mayurbhanj, Ganjam, and Bolangir, with an expected annual direct participation of some 5,000 farmer producers and coverage and production area of 2,000 hectares. At the end of the project cycle, the project will have covered a total of 15,000 farmers and 6,000 hectares and connected with several institutions, channels, and consumer markets.

Speaking on the rising importance of specialty rice in India, Dr Kohli remarked: “Odisha’s revised agriculture agenda calls for a rice sector that is profitable and demand-driven. Rice is no longer just a simple staple. It needs to add more value to farmers and consumers and that can happenthrough value-added traits for improved nutrition and health benefits. The renewed interest and policy focus of the state government acts as an enabler in the right direction.”

In order to generate production at scale, the formal and semi-formal seed system will be strategically supported for institutional engagement and ownership for seed scaling of selected specialty varieties. With evidence generated through season-long on-farm testing of past and ongoing efforts, the key healthier varieties will be mainstreamed with the help of state seed corporations and community-owned seed networks for mass production. Leveraging regional cooperation policies like Seeds Without Borders and partnering with Indian National Breeding Network partners, new and more promising healthier rice varieties will be introduced and scaled through the project.

“Nutrition through popularization of better germplasms and development of robust seed systems can now be achieved. We want to ensure decentralized and localized access to these products through systematic introduction, positioning, and scaling strategies for the best specialty rice varieties. This segment is immensely underexplored, both at producer and consumer levels, and we are grateful to the Government of Odisha for getting behind actionable research and programmatic interventions on this,” said Dr Nayak.

A three-year collaboration will focus on the

Dr Pinto makes IRRI history as its first female Director General.

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Board of Trustees officially announced Dr Yvonne Pinto as IRRI’s new Director General, effective April 22, 2024. Dr Pinto will also serve as the CGIAR Regional Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific and Country Representative for the Philippines.

Dr Pinto brings a wealth of experience and expertise to IRRI and CGIAR, having previously excelled in roles such as Director of Strategy, Innovation, and Sustainability at Eagle Genomics Ltd., and Managing Director of ALINE Impact Limited. Dr. Cao Duc Phat, Chair of IRRI’s Board of Trustees, said, “Dr Pinto brings a wealth of experience and expertise to both IRRI and CGIAR. Her life’s work has been dedicated to improving agriculture systems through science, and she has a proven track record in innovation and its commercialization, ecosystems management, gender, monitoring, evaluation, and learning, environmental, social, and governance, design and implementation, capacity building, international development, and policy influence. These experiences will surely contribute to achieving our overall mission.”

Through her work, Dr Pinto has collaborated with both private and non-government agencies stationed in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. In her most recent role, she led a team that developed a unique AI-augmented software that aims to understand the microbiome in soil, plant, farm, fork, animal, and human gut. The initiative contributes towards data-driven health, disease prevention, and a generative bio-economy with more sustainable farming solutions.

Dr. Pinto has a rich background in plant genetics and has worked in various positions with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Gatsby Foundation, UN FAO, and the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College. She sat on various Boards, Program Advisory, and Steering Committees, most notably, as former Chair of the WorldFish Board of Trustees. She also previously contributed to creating the strategy for OneCGIAR Biosciences for Africa Hub, including capacity development, research into the use of biosciences and biotechnology, and an organizational M&E system. Dr. Pinto was a Program Advisory Committee member of the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB).

Dr Pinto was born a Kenyan, raised in Ethiopia, and became a UK and ultimately a global citizen. She has a BSc in Plant Sciences and Agriculture from Reading University, an MSc in Biotechnology and a Ph.D. in Virology from Imperial College, and a General Management Executive Education from Cambridge University.

As IRRI’s Director General, she will be responsible for leading the institute’s strategy and governance to meet the needs and expectations of donors, investors, partners, stakeholders, and ultimately the smallholder farmers in rice-based systems. Of particular importance will be leading IRRI in developing and scaling sustainable innovations that help solve some of the biggest global issues of climate change, poverty, hunger, and malnutrition.

As CGIAR Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific (SEA&P), she will coordinate ongoing and new efforts to build CGIAR’s presence in SEA&P by showcasing CGIAR’s work, the value of working as one team, building a vibrant pipeline of opportunities, and shaping the new organizational culture across the region, focusing on inclusion, transparency, and trust.

Dr Ismahane Elouafi, CGIAR Executive Managing Director, said, “We are excited to welcome Dr. Pinto to CGIAR as IRRI Director General. Dr. Pinto is highly respected in the area of agricultural systems transformation and brings with her an excellent track record, starting with a rich background in plant genetics. Her demonstrable strategic vision, drive and energy will continue to solidify IRRI’s world-class reputation and contribute to our shared goals in tackling growing global hunger, malnutrition, and climate change.”

Dr Pinto makes IRRI history as its