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Built with an investment of Rs 77 crore NTCPWC at IITM to create solutions towards enabling marine sector in India.

Union Minister for Ports, Shipping and Waterways Sarbananda Sonowal inaugurated the Discovery Campus of the National Technology Centre for Ports, Waterways and Coasts at IITM, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.  This centre aims at enabling Research & development for the marine sector enabling solutions towards achieving the ultimate goal of building a robust marine industry in the country. This state-of-the-art centre will ensure advancement in the field of maritime technology, as well as modernisation & upgradation possibilities in the port & operations towards achieving the vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat by 2047.

National Technology Centre for Ports, Waterways and Coasts has world class capabilities for undertaking the 2D & 3D investigations of research and consultancy nature for the Port, Coastal, and Waterways sector across all disciplines. Modelling of Ocean, determining the Coastal & Estuarine Flows, Sediment transport and morph dynamics, planning of Navigation and Maneuvering, estimation of Dredging & Siltation, consultancy in Port and Coastal Engineering – designing the Structures and Breakwaters, Autonomous Platforms & vehicles, Experimental & CFD modelling of flow & Hull interaction, Hydrodynamics of multiple hulls, Ocean renewable energy coupled with port facilities are some of the areas where NTCPWC has already contributed to optimise capability of marine sector of India. The Chennai facility has 5 state-of-the-art labs, covering every aspect of design and development, simulation, analysis and production of marine and maritime solutions in line with the Aatmanirbhar Bharat vision. The laboratories created are among the best in comparison with other International Labs in the specific domain.

This technology centre will also reduce the cost of research drastically and result in cost and time savings for work in the port and maritime sector. This centre shall provide effective solutions to an extensive range of problems being faced in the industry through scientific support and also providing valuable education, applied research and technology transfer in maritime transportation at the local, regional, national and international levels.

Union Minister Sonowal assured that this facility would be expanded to include more World Class Lab Facilities and Innovation Hubs to support Maritime Start-Ups.To advance the Sagarmala Programme’s objectives, NTCPWC will deal in applied research while analysing and fostering port and maritime industry activities. Major Ports including Deendayal Port, Jawaharlal Nehru Port, Paradeep Port, Chennai Port, Kamarajar Port, VOC port, New Mangalore Port, Visakhapatnam Port have contributed generously toward creation of the institute. Significant contributions have also been provided by Inland Waterways Authority of India. The SMP Kolkata, Mormugao port and Cochin port have also partnered in this activity by providing major case study centers.

Built with an investment of Rs 77

Prior to joining USDA, Dr Misra served as a Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at Iowa State University for more than 30 years.

 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the appointment of Dr Manjit K. Misra as the new Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). The NIFA Director leads the agency’s work in advancing agricultural research, education, and extension to solve societal challenges. Dr. Misra will start his new role on Monday, May 8, 2023.

“Dr. Misra is an esteemed scientist and educator whose devotion to studying and sharing his knowledge of seeds with the world will benefit society and inspire generations to come,” said Secretary Tom Vilsack.

“We are excited to add Dr Misra’s leadership and expertise to our team as we continue to transform our nation’s food and agricultural system,” said Chavonda Jacobs-Young, USDA Chief Scientist and Research, Education, and Economics Under Secretary. “

Prior to joining USDA, Dr. Misra served as a Professor of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at Iowa State University. For more than 30 years, he was Director of the university’s Seed Science Center. The center has administered the National Seed Health System, authorized by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, since 2001. Dr Misra also was founding Director of the Iowa State’s Biosafety Institute for Genetically Modified Agricultural Products.

In 2012, Dr. Misra was appointed Chair of the USDA National Genetic Resources Advisory Council (NGRAC), a position he held until 2017. Misra has served on more than 60 local, national, and international boards and committees. These include the Steering Committee for the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) International Conference on Biotechnology, the Scientific Advisory Council of the American Seed Research Foundation, the Board of Directors of the Iowa Seed Association, the Iowa Crop Improvement Association, and the First the Seed Foundation.

Dr. Misra is the recipient of several awards for leadership, including the “Distinguished Service Award” from the American Seed Trade Association, the “Order of the Knoll Faculty Award” from Iowa State University, the “Global Agricultural Leadership Award” from the Indian Council of Food and Agriculture, the Sukup Global Food Security award, a certificate of appreciation from the Secretary of Agriculture and the AE50 award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).

Dr Misra earned a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering in India, a Master of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He is a researcher with 137 publications and an innovator with ten patents. During his tenure as the Director of the Seed Science Center, the faculty and staff conducted seed programs in 79 countries, including 34 countries in Africa.

Prior to joining USDA, Dr Misra served

In the first global review of phosphate rock resources and reserves since 2010, a new study finds that there is enough technically recoverable phosphate for more than 300 years

Global energy and commodity information service Argus has produced a study commissioned by the International Fertiliser Association (IFA) to transparently assess global resources and reserves of phosphate rock, a source of the key nutrient phosphorus, which is used in the production of fertiliser. The analysis was based on the best publicly available information and data collected through company surveys. It found that, despite reports in some quarters to the contrary, there is no global shortage, and that there are sufficient deposits of mineable and processable phosphate rock for about 350 years’ supply at projected usage rates and using current technology.

This figure assumes no advance in mining and processing technology from the present day and can be seen as a low-ball estimate. In theory, if total available global resources are considered, more sustainable farming practices are more widely adopted and fertilisers are used in an increasingly efficient way, a higher-end limit could be more than 1,000 years.

The report highlights that plentiful supply should not deter companies from working towards sustainability objectives, including improving agricultural use efficiency, recycling nutrients from various waste streams, and maximising the efficiency of the phosphate mining and extraction processes. These actions will maximise the longevity of phosphate reserves.

Efficient use of nutrients will result in improved crop yields and farm economics, reduced aquatic ecosystem pollution via runoff and the increased lifespan of currently known phosphate deposits.

In producing the study, Argus took a scenario-based approach and found that in all cases there is no imminent threat to the global supply of phosphorus for plant nutrition. Given the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the increasing sense of urgency surrounding the COP Climate Summits, attention should be focused on the decarbonisation of the sector, rather than any perception of global phosphate rock scarcity.

Adrian Binks, Argus Media chairman and chief executive said, “This study provides a balanced and insightful contribution to the debate about the future availability of phosphate rock as a source of fertiliser.”

Alzbeta Klein, CEO and Director General of the International Fertiliser Association said, “While the findings of this study are very reassuring from the perspective of the availability of global phosphate reserves, the industry recognises the need to focus on greater sustainability in the production and use of phosphates as a priority. Innovation across the supply chain is needed to ensure we extract and use the available reserves appropriately now and into the future. IFA and its members are committed to both the sustainable use of phosphate reserves and to exploring opportunities to recycle by-products where possible.”

In the first global review of phosphate

Cargill honored for three innovations in the food and agriculture category and one in sustainability, two of which won gold

Cargill has won four 2023 Edison Awards for three innovations in the food and agriculture category and one innovation in the sustainability category. The Edison Awards, named after the American inventor Thomas Alva Edison, recognises some of the most innovative products and business leaders in the world. The prestigious accolades honour excellence in new product and service development, marketing, design and innovation.

Cargill is uniquely positioned to lead the transformation of the food and agriculture system, addressing many of the world’s most pressing needs – from supply chain continuity and climate action to nutrition and food security. The company is honoured to win the following Edison Awards for these innovative solutions:

GOLD – Cargill RegenConnect provides farmers with a financial incentive for positive environmental outcomes through the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices. With an increased focus on sustainability around the globe, this program connects farmers to emerging environmental markets while enabling end-use customers to meet their sustainability commitments.

GOLD – Galleon Broiler Microbiome Intelligence is an innovative analysis tool leveraging the power of artificial intelligence. This tool allows poultry farmers to determine the gut microbiome health of their flocks and its correlation to their management practices. Galleon provides insights and actions to help improve flock health and positively influence profitability and performance.

SILVER – SimPure RF is a breakthrough soluble rice flour and a 1:1 clean-label alternative to maltodextrin for many foods. SimPure RF offers high solubility and neutral flavour while enhancing creaminess and body.

BRONZE – EverSweet + ClearFlo (EC1) Sweetening System is a game-changing product which combines EverSweet, Reb M-based stevia sweetener with ClearFlo natural flavour, marking the first-ever solution of its kind. This innovation improves flavour, mouthfeel, dissolution and solubility. It also reduces sugar across countless foods and beverages.

“Our teams around the world are excited to receive this prestigious recognition for all four of these innovative solutions. Through dedication, innovative thinking and critical partnerships, we are transforming the industry and empowering our customers and communities,” said Florian Schattenmann, Cargill’s Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Research & Development and Innovation. “This recognition is just the beginning as Cargill continues to invest in innovation and our people to drive impactful change.”

All nominations are reviewed by the Edison Awards Steering Committee with the final ballot being determined by an independent judging panel. The panel is comprised of more than 3,000 senior business executives and academics from the fields of product development, design, engineering, science, marketing and education, as well as past winners.

Cargill honored for three innovations in the

Annual production from the facility is expected to be approximately 42,500 head of premium sustainable beef cattle

Bion Environmental Technologies and Dakota Valley Growers, a cattle feeder near Bathgate, North Dakota, announced a letter of intent to develop a 15,000-head sustainable beef cattle feeding operation. Annual production from the facility is expected to be approximately 42,500 head of premium sustainable beef cattle.

The Dakota Valley Growers (DVG) project will have indoor barns to ensure the cattle are adding protein instead of burning calories to stay warm or fight through the mud. The barns will have slatted floors with continuous manure removal and processing. Anaerobic digesters will recover nearly 84,000 MMBTU of RNG, enough to replace 643,000 gallons of diesel with a low-carbon alternative transportation fuel.

Bion’s Gen3Tech system will capture and stabilise the volatile ammonia nitrogen in the manure stream, where it will be upcycled to a low carbon ‘Climate Smart’ pure nitrogen fertiliser product that can be precision applied when and where needed. The DVG cattle will produce approximately 4,000 tons of sustainably produced nitrogen fertiliser annually, enough to fertilise over 11,000 acres of North Dakota corn. The system will recover other fertiliser products, some organic, as well as nine million gallons of clean water that can be used for irrigation or watering the herd with minimal additional treatment.

RNG, nutrient, and water recovery will be transparent, third-party verified, and supported by blockchain. That data, coupled with cattle production history, will underpin a sustainable brand certified by the USDA’s Process-Verified-Program (PVP). Sustainability will be measured by improvements in resource efficiencies, animal health and welfare, and reduced impacts to air, water, and soil, and will be communicated to the consumer at the point of sale. Tyson Foods recently said, “Consumers would be willing to pay at least 24 per cent more for environmentally friendly, sustainable options at retail.”

Russell Edgar, the founder of Dakota Valley Growers, said, “Bion can help us produce a better, more sustainable product and improve our bottom line at the same time. We are eager to get started. We have an opportunity to feed cattle right here in North Dakota, instead of sending more than 900,000 feeder calves south every year. That will increase local demand for corn and other feeds, services, and jobs. We all win. That’s good business for Dakota Valley Growers and good business for North Dakota and our corn farmers and cow-calf producers.”

Annual production from the facility is expected

Revenue from power trading crosses Rs. 10,000 crores for the first time

Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) has traded over 35 Billion Units (BU), a jump of over 59 per cent in its Renewable Energy power trading volume during FY 2022-23 over the previous year. Likewise, the revenue from power trading has crossed Rs. 10,000 Crore mark for the first time since its inception.

Speaking on the achievement, Suman Sharma, MD said, “India is witnessing an energy transition towards sustainable sources at an unprecedented pace and SECI is striving hard to have the maximum contribution in the nation’s journey towards 500 GW of non-fossil fuel by 2030, as announced by Prime Minister. An entire team of employees and management of SECI is tirelessly working towards this goal.”

Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) is a Miniratna Category-I Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) incorporated in the year 2011. It is the primary implementing agency of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India for Renewable Energy schemes/projects towards the fulfilment of India’s international commitments.

Till date, SECI has awarded Renewable Energy (RE) project capacities of over 56 GW. SECI is also active in setting up projects through its own investments as well as for other public sector entities as Project Management Consultant (PMC). SECI enjoys the highest credit rating of AAA by ICRA.

Revenue from power trading crosses Rs. 10,000

The program was designed to help farmers gain a better understanding of the latest practices and techniques

As part of Aazadi Ka Amrit Mahostav, the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying organised the awareness Programme ‘Pashudhan Jagruty Abhiyaan’ under the campaign on Inclusive Development.  Information on various Schemes and Programmes of the Department especially on  Entrepreneurship, Vaccination and other beneficiary-oriented schemes the Department were explained through the Common Service Centres network by holding 2000 village-level camps across the Aspirational Districts. Varsha Joshi, Additional Secretary, CDD chaired the meeting. Attendees were given complete information about schemes and veterinary services, as well as how to apply on the scheme portal through the CSC itself. Around 1 lakh farmers joined the awareness Programme virtually from Common Service Centres.

Joshi interacted with the farmers during the program. Her insights and expertise proved invaluable in helping the farmers gain a better understanding of the various aspects of animal husbandry and dairy farming. Realigned schemes of DAHD are helping in creating rural Entrepreneurship and creating better livelihood opportunities for unemployed youth and livestock farmers in the poultry, sheep, goat, piggery, feed and fodder sectors paving the way towards Atma Nirbhar Bharat, she said during her opening remarks.

The program was designed to help farmers gain a better understanding of the latest practices and techniques in animal husbandry and dairy farming, thereby improving their livelihoods. The impact and success of the schemes were explained with the help of presentations and videos.

The program was designed to help farmers

As part of the company’s efforts to advance sustainable innovation, 90 per cent of new crop protection products and all new seed products now meet Corteva’s sustainability criteria.

Corteva Agriscience has released its 2022 Sustainability and ESG Report, providing an update on the commitments the company has made to address some of today’s most pressing environmental, economic and social challenges. The report details the company’s goals to help the world’s farmers be more productive and resilient, preserve biodiversity, reduce the climate impact of its operations and increase inclusion, diversity and equity (ID&E) within its workforce.

“Sustainability is at the heart of our business,” said Chuck Magro, Chief Executive Officer, Corteva Agriscience. “We are working to solve complex food and energy security challenges while preserving the long-term health and viability of farmland and other natural resources.”

As part of the company’s efforts to advance sustainable innovation, 90 percent of new crop protection products and all new seed products now meet Corteva’s sustainability criteria, which are aligned to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Additional sustainability efforts in 2022 include the purchase of Stoller Group and Symborg to position Corteva as one of the largest biological plant health companies in the world; receiving seven-year amended Environmental Protection Agency registrations for Enlist One® and Enlist Duo® herbicides; and the introduction of Sosdia™ Stress, a biostimulant that enhances crop resilience against stressors like drought, excessive heat or sunlight.

“Our Research and Development teams are focused on developing sustainable solutions that increase productivity and profitability potential while improving resilience to increasing weed, insect, disease, and extreme weather pressures and protecting our natural resources,” said Sam Eathington, Chief Technology and Chief Digital Officer, Corteva Agriscience. “Our innovation engine is delivering solutions that give farmers more options to improve yield potential and minimize inputs to build whole-farm systems that are strong and stable.”

Corteva is also making progress towards its Inclusion Diversity & Equity (ID&E) goals while continuing to build on its winning culture, including increasing the number of women in management roles by six percent and being named to Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies in 2022.

As part of the company's efforts to

Under the MOU, the companies intend to work together to explore a wide variety of opportunities spanning the cultivated meat production process.

Israel based ADM, a global leader in sustainable nutrition, and Believer Meats, a leading pioneer of the cultivated meat industry, announced that they have signed a non-exclusive memorandum of understanding (MOU) to collaborate on new ways to propel the development and commercialization of cultivated meat products.

Under the terms of the MOU, the companies intend to work together to explore a wide variety of opportunities spanning the cultivated meat production process, with a focus on bringing ADM’s vast ingredient pantry and expertise in complete nutrition solutions to enhance Believer’s proprietary cell-cultivated meat process. The non-exclusive agreement also lays out a path to further support the partnership and industry growth by utilizing ADM’s processing expertise and footprint to potentially commercialize new products arising from the collaboration.

“With a global population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, ADM is working with partners across the value chain to meet food security and sustainability needs by expanding the protein ecosystem,” said Leticia Gonçalves, ADM’s president, Global Foods. “Cultivated meat represents an exciting evolution and yet another way to meet long-term food security needs — along with other traditional and novel sources of protein. Seven in 10 consumers are aware of cultivated meat, and with flexitarians representing more than half of consumers globally, there is an important opportunity to continue to expand the universe of protein choices. We’re proud to work with a true innovator like Believer to explore new ingredients and solutions to propel the development of these exciting products, and excited to continue to add valuable partners as we work across the industry to meet growing demand driven by the enduring trends of food security and sustainability.”

“Believer is thrilled to partner with ADM in driving innovation to expand the emerging cultivated meat industry,” said Gustavo Burger, CEO of Believer. “Our shared commitment to sustainability and expanding protein choices for consumers makes this collaboration a natural fit. By pairing ADM’s leading expertise in ingredient application development, and complete nutrition solutions they bring to their customers, with our ground-breaking cell-cultivation technology, with its unmatched efficiency and scalability, we aim to accelerate the development and commercialization of high-quality, safe, and delicious meat products that deliver on the increasing demands of our growing global population. Together, we have a unique opportunity to shape the future of the protein industry and create a more sustainable food system for generations to come.”

Under the MOU, the companies intend to

The fund is committed by Morocco-based Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and the OCP Group to back breakthrough sustainable technology in India

Bidra Innovation Ventures (Bidra) has announced a $200 million commitment by Morocco-based, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) and the OCP Group. The initiative will expand Bidra’s investment scope to include innovations in sustainable agriculture, energy, water and other climate technologies with a focus on emerging markets like India, Africa, and others.

This latest round of funding comes one year after Bidra launched a $50 million fund backed by the same investors focused on agriculture. In India, Bidra is an active investor in Niqo Robotics, a Bangalore-based agricultural robotics start-up focused on AI-powered sustainable spot spraying technology.

Over the past year, Bidra has nurtured multiple breakthroughs in technology. They have supported several innovative sustainable tech companies including Niqo Robotics, an AI tech-driven company that reduces chemical volumes, Agrospheres, an ag-tech company developing environmentally friendly crop protection products, and Pattern Ag, which uses predictive analytics to customise crop fertility plans.

“UM6P recognises the role innovation must play to sustainably solve global challenges,” said Amar Singh, Head of Group, Bidra Innovation Ventures. “We are grateful for UM6P’s visionary leadership and support as we continue to back innovators forging the future via sustainable technologies for Africa and beyond. Having OCP’s support is a tremendous advantage because now we can extend OCP’s regional know-how and distribution capacity to startups that are ready to scale. If you have technology that is ready for prime time, consider Bidra as a gateway to scaling your technology in India, Africa and beyond,” Singh further elaborated on the latest fundraising.

India-based startup Niqo Robotics from Bidra’s portfolio has made rapid strides over the past year and is gearing up to launch the world’s largest fleet of AI-powered green-on-green spot spray agricultural robots in India by June 2023. “We are immensely proud of our association with Bidra through the past year. We have amazing synergies, and our partnership has empowered Niqo Robotics to scale our breakthrough sustainable spot spraying solution from lab to land and potentially revolutionise crop protection applications in agriculture, worldwide,” said Jaisimha Rao, Founder and CEO of Niqo Robotics

Companies backed by Bidra not only benefit from the financial resources of UM6P and the OCP Group but also from the organisations’ domain expertise and expansive global footprint. Talent, customer, and capital – these are the three inputs that every founder is looking for. Bidra, UM6P and OCP are looking to assist disruptive sustainable technologies in all three.

The fund is committed by Morocco-based Mohammed

Pune-based Agritech startup Nutrifresh aims to reduce the carbon footprint and promote sustainability initiatives through focussed initiatives

Pune-based Agritech startup Nutrifresh is focused on reducing the carbon footprint and promoting sustainability. Environmental sustainability is essential for protecting natural resources, mitigating climate change, preserving biodiversity, supporting human health, and promoting social well-being. It also plays a critical role in mitigating the effects of climate change.

“By reducing energy consumption, promoting renewable energy, reducing transportation emissions, practising sustainable agriculture, reducing waste, and preserving natural habitats, we are contributing to reducing the carbon footprint and promoting a sustainable future for all. Additionally, these measures can also have benefits for farmers, including increased crop yields and reduced input costs,

“Speaking about our key achievements, we have 150k Kgs of production capacity per month across farms and the fresh produce is delivered within 24 hours in the service areas. Our total area with active hydroponic production is 33 acres. We have served around 15K households across Mumbai & Pune regions,” said Bina Khan, Board Advisor & Investor, Nutrifresh Farm Tech India Pvt Ltd.

One key sustainable aspect that Nutrifresh focuses on is efficient resource utilisation. This includes optimising water usage, minimising the use of pesticides and fertilisers, reducing energy consumption, and ensuring proper waste management.

Co-founded by two Agripreneurs, Sanket Mehta and Ganesh Nikam, Nutrifresh’s aim is to supply consistent pesticide-free Hydroponic produce that is nutrient-rich to the Indian consumer year-round. Nutrifresh is committed to quality and is one of the few farmers with ISO, FSSAI, APEDA, HACCP, and GLOBAL GAP certifications. As an Agritech startup operating for the last three years under Nutrifresh Farm Tech India Pvt Ltd.’s operations in Pune and Mumbai currently running a 33-acre farm, we are into soilless and hydroponic cultivation.

Nutrifresh now sells its products to over 100 B2B aggregators in India and modern trade aggregators and delivery partners such as Nature’s Basket, Big Basket, Swiggy, Kissan Konnect, Star Bazaar and Zomato Hyperpure. It has an established protected cultivation facility that uses high-quality seeds from Israel and the United States, where the air is given in controlled amounts, water is RO-cleansed, and nutrients are water-soluble. From seed procurement to germination, nursery, harvesting, packaging, and finally delivery to the end user, the entire production is under control. The produce is delivered to the consumer within 24 hours of harvest, demonstrating that the supply chain is fully linked and in sync to ensure consistency of freshness.

Pune-based Agritech startup Nutrifresh aims to reduce

Kan Biosys-DE SANGOSSE will expand its reach in the horticulture, field, and row crop segments across India through a systematic approach of collaborating.

Pune based Kan Biosys, an established player in microbial technologies in India, announced a strategic alliance with DE SANGOSSE to build a robust microbial and bio-solutions ecosystem in India. France-based DE SANGOSSE is an international player in crop protection, plant nutrition and pest control.

Kan Biosys-DE SANGOSSE, the new entity, aims to expand its product and technology offerings to Indian farmers; the primary focus of the new company will be on delivering high-quality biological products and positioning them effectively to ensure profitability for farmers by improving the quality and quantity of crop yield. This objective will be accomplished by enhancing soil carbon, improving fertilizer use efficiency, promoting residue-free crop production through integrated pest management, and optimizing crop yields using anti-stress measures to mitigate the negative impact of biotic and abiotic stresses on crops. Kan Biosys-DE SANGOSSE will expand its reach in the horticulture, field, and row crop segments across India through a systematic approach of collaborating with farmers, agronomists, and channel partners.

Speaking on the strategic alliance, Sandeepa Kanitkar, Chairperson and Managing Director, Kan Biosys, said, “We are thrilled to be part of a time when microbial products are gaining momentum, and we are proud to be associated with DE SANGOSSE, which shares our vision and strengths. We believe every seed requires microbial dressing, every pest requires biocontrol, and all soils need carbon and microbes to maintain fertility. Hence, the opportunities in this field are immense, and our partnership can significantly support the bio-market. Microbials have a vital role in seed dressing, soil fertility, nutrient management, as well as pest and disease control. We are optimistic that in years to come, we will undoubtedly demonstrate that microbial is a powerful force to be reckoned with.”

 Nicolas Fillon, CEO DE SANGOSSE, said, “With over 160 million arable hectares, India represents a significant market for our group. Both companies will work together to leverage their research capabilities to develop new products that support global agricultural trends and Indian farmers. Our aim is to provide innovative and sustainable solutions in agriculture that will benefit our customers in the Indian market by developing synergies between DE SANGOSSE and Kan Biosys. We are excited to collaborate with an experienced and dedicated team to expand Kan Biosys’ business. We believe the high-quality portfolio of Kan Biosys’ microbial products and its strong presence in India will enhance our global projects.”

Kan Biosys-DE SANGOSSE will expand its reach

The seeds of these mushrooms will distribute to farmers in the month of September

Jammu and Kashmir to introduce a high resistance NPS-5 variety of mushrooms for commercial farming in September this year.  Field trials of the mushrooms of this variety have been successful.

According to the local media, the NPS-5 variety of mushrooms is a second strain and the seeds of these mushrooms will distribute to farmers in the month of September. This variety of mushrooms is not get affected by low-water, high-water situations and high concentrations of carbon dioxide. Jammu Kashmir’s agriculture department is working on other fronts for the growth of mushroom cultivation in the state. The new variety of mushroom cultivation in the state will benefit farmers on a large scale.

Department of Agriculture is also working on seeds of milky mushrooms, dingri, button and shiitake. Department has crossed a target of 100 quintals of seed in the month of April. The cultivation trial was carried out on sawdust of broad leaves in polypropylene bags as per the guidelines of the Directorate of Mushroom Research (ICAR).

The seeds of these mushrooms will distribute

Syngenta to leverage Biotalys’ AGROBODY™ technology platform to expand insecticide biocontrol pipeline

Switzerland based Syngenta Crop Protection and Biotalys (Euronext – BTLS) today announced a collaboration to research, develop and commercialize new biocontrol solutions to manage key pests in a broad variety of crops. The new solution will be based on Biotalys’ AGROBODYTM technology and will offer a new mode of action to broaden farmers’ access to novel technologies that counter the threat of pest resistance and advance sustainable agriculture.

Under the terms of this partnership, Syngenta will collaborate on a research program with Biotalys, an agricultural technology company focused on protein-based biocontrol solutions, to leverage its AGROBODY™ technology platform for Syngenta’s specific insect targets.

“Syngenta is a leader in bringing farmers cutting edge technologies that improve the sustainability of agriculture, and we are excited to work closely with Biotalys as part of our agricultural innovation ecosystem,” said Camilla Corsi, Head of Crop Protection Research at Syngenta Crop Protection. “By combining our proven research and development capabilities with the breakthrough protein-based innovations of the Biotalys AGROBODY™ platform, we are determined to play a pivotal role in addressing critical farmer needs around the globe.”

With resistance development and increasing regulatory and environmental pressures, growers are eager to explore innovative and effective biological solutions that limit the impact on the environment and biodiversity. Biotalys has demonstrated the potential of its protein-based biocontrols to deliver novel modes of actions for effective and safe application in food and agriculture. This new partnership allows Biotalys to accelerate the development and global commercialization of innovative crop protection solutions and cement its biocontrol innovation leadership by leveraging the expansive network and capabilities of a global agriculture business.

“We are proud and excited to be working with Syngenta, a world-leading agricultural company, on one of the most pressing industry challenges – the development of innovative and effective pest control solutions – by delivering on the promise of our AGROBODY™ technology,” said Patrice Sellès, Chief Executive Officer at Biotalys. “Collaborating with Syngenta is a major milestone in our continued mission to providing growers around the globe with safe, efficient, and more sustainable agricultural solutions.”

Syngenta to leverage Biotalys’ AGROBODY™ technology platform