HomeAgroPolicyAgro UniversitiesICAR-CIPHET, Samrat Singh inks MoA for incubation facility of groundnut processing

ICAR-CIPHET, Samrat Singh inks MoA for incubation facility of groundnut processing

source- public domain

Under ABI project, ICAR- CIPHET Ludhiana is providing incubation facilities for selected technologies.

A MoA for incubation of groundnut processing was signed between ICAR-CIPHET and Samrat R Singh.

Agribusiness, the business sector encompassing farming and farming-related commercial activities which involves all the steps required to send an agricultural good to market: production, processing and distribution. But due to lack of awareness rural youth are not getting any benefit. Keeping in view the above facts, under ABI project, ICAR- CIPHET Ludhiana is providing incubation facilities for selected technologies.

Samrat R Singh from Ludhiana approached CIPHET for incubation facility of groundnut processing, as groundnut-based products are loaded with protein & fibre, antioxidant properties along with aids in preventing cancer, regulate blood sugar and being low fat makes it critically important for individuals on diets or people who have to enhance their overall health.

Nachiket Kotwaliwale assured him that all possible help will be extended for establishment of agribusiness unit and start-up after successful completion of incubation.

Nachiket Kotwaliwale (Director ICAR-CIPHET), with the CIPHET team including Ranjeet Singh (PI ABI), Renu Balakrishnan (I/c ITMU) and Alka Sharma (RA) were present on the occasion.

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