HomeAgroPolicyAgro UniversitiesICAR-NRCB empowers Women FPOs through licensing Banana Shakti tech

ICAR-NRCB empowers Women FPOs through licensing Banana Shakti tech

source- public domain

Banana Shakti” increases the ‘use efficiency’ of primary and secondary macronutrients in banana crop, thereby increases the productivity by 15 – 20 percent and enhances the quality.

An agreement for technology transfer of Banana Shakti was signed between the FPO and ICAR-NRCB. Three female farmers and two male farmers received a know-how training from ICAR-NRCB for the production process of the micro-nutrient mixture.

R Selvarajan, Director, ICAR-NRCB said micronutrient deficiency is a common problem in banana cultivation and has a huge impact on the yield and quality. Therefore, ICAR-NRCB has focused its research programme on micronutrient requirements.  The micro nutrient mixture is gaining popularity among the banana farming community. And the current initiative to support the FPO women farmers with the technological backstopping will certainly pave the way not only in the upscale of the technology but also will create a good impact in economic level of the women farmers.

KJ Jeyabaskaran, Principal Scientist and inventor of the technology briefed that “Banana Shakti” corrects the micronutrient deficiency and increases the ‘use efficiency’ of primary and secondary macronutrients in banana crop, thereby increases the productivity by 15 – 20 percent and enhances the quality. By using Banana Shakti, an additional net profit up to Rs 1 lakh per hectare could be accrued.

Srirangam Banana Producers organisation is the initiative of women banana farmers with the 1200 members at Tiruchirappalli. The FPO received financial assistance from the District Project Management unit of Trichy under the Business Innovation Fund of the ‘Vazhlndhu Kattuvom” (Lets’ live) scheme. As part of the aegis of ‘Vazhlndhu Kattuvom” scheme at Tiruchirappalli, the FPO had an agreement of ToT with the ICAR-NRCB for business venture of production of ‘Banana Shakti’ mainly for the economic empowerment of women farmers for their livelihood. The Trichy unit of MS Swaminathan Research Foundation – MSSRF organisation has also supported the initiatives of the women FPO.

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