HomeCountryIndiaGreen Fodder availability possible with Bajra Napier Hybrid in arid Rajasthan:CAZRI

Green Fodder availability possible with Bajra Napier Hybrid in arid Rajasthan:CAZRI

Several entrepreneurships come forward to adopt BNH

To augment green fodder availability in arid Rajasthan the ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) has attempted a unique intervention that comprised harvesting of rainwater from building roof-top and solar energy for utilising harvested rainwater for growing of Bajra Napier Hybrid (BNH) having high biomass potential from a unit of land. Legumes were also grown in kharif and lucerne in rabi seasons for increasing the nutritive value of the BNH fodder. The BNH was planted at 3×1m spacing and legume fodder crops were grown in the inter-row spaces during kharif and rabi.

The farmers of the desert districts of Rajasthan have benefitted a lot from the BNH crops not only in assured fodder supply but also earning by selling of green fodder, planting material and many others have established commercial fodder farms that give them revenue of more than Rs 500,000 ha-1. The demonstration field of ICAR-CAZRI remained an attraction point for the farmers, personnel from line departments and other dignitaries. Several entrepreneurships from arid region of Rajasthan have come forward to adopt BNH.

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