Aleph Farms, the first cultivated meat company to grow steaks directly from non-genetically engineered animal cells, has nnounced that it has been officially recognized by the Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate) as an Innovation Sprint Partner. As part of this innovation sprint, $40 million is being invested in cellular agriculture R&D over the next five years through Aleph Farms.
It will introduce its products into global markets as soon as regulatory processes conclude and approvals are finalized.
Cultivated meat is also far more efficient than cows at converting feed into meat. By requiring 95% less land, cultivated meat opens up new opportunities for land use, including producing more food and re-wilding habitats for biodiversity, the latter of which further reduces emissions.
“Enhancing food security via cellular agriculture empowers communities and fosters regional cooperation, spurring economic growth in the process. This is why we are especially proud to be allocating these R&D funds as an AIM for Climate Innovation Sprint Partner,” said Didier Toubia, co-founder and CEO of Aleph Farms. “With cellular agriculture, humanity is better equipped to overcome significant food-related challenges and bring agricultural systems back into balance.”