The building will house a soil testing lab and bio-pesticides production lab
Dr Ashok Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General (Agricultural Extension), ICAR virtually inaugurated the New Administrative Building, Soil Testing Lab and Bio-pesticides Production Lab of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Badnapur, Jalna, Maharashtra.
In his inaugural address, Dr Singh highlighted the KVK’s efforts for doubling the farmers’ income in the country. He stated that the introduction of the additional enterprises like poultry farming, goat rearing, horticulture nursery and mushroom cultivation, etc., will help in doubling the farmers’ income. The DDG also stressed on linking the farmers with markets through the Farmers’ Producers’ Organizations (FPOs), crop residue management, water resource utilisation, conservation agriculture, reducing the cost of cultivation, processing and value-addition. The role of KVKs for the outreaching of the technologies developed to the farmers was underlined by Dr Singh.
Dr AS Dhawan, Vice-Chancellor, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, Maharashtra highlighted the challenges and opportunities in front of farmers and the role of KVK in resolving them more strategically. He also urged the KVK to focus on developing good demonstration farm which will be useful to the farmers of the area.
Krishi Ratna, Vijay Anna Borade, Trustee, MSSM, Jalna, Maharashtra suggested the KVK’s Scientists to be ready to address the challenges faced by the agricultural community at the grassroot level. He also underlined that the Badnapur Campus is recognised for its outstanding contributions in the pulses’ researches and developing the climate-resilient varieties of pulses.
Dr Lakhan Singh, Director, ICAR-Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute, Pune, Maharashtra applauded the KVK’s work, especially, for the initiative of the Farmers’-Scientists’-Forum Meeting scheduled on 20th of every Month.
Dr DB Deosarkar, Director of Extension Education, VNMKV, Parbhani, outlined the initiative taken by the KVK during the short span of time.
Earlier, Dr SD Somwanshi, Head, KVK, Jalna – II, Maharashtra delivered the welcome address.
More than 200 farmers, extension functionaries, scientists and other officials from the various sections participated in the event.