The endeavour was to raise consciousness about the value of food grains, organic food
Pacific Mall DDN has organised a 7-day Organic Farmers Fest to celebrate the Baisakhi and the spring harvest season.
Many dignitaries like Akshay Konde, IPS, Superintendent of Police, Uttarakhand Police; Anil Kumar Sahni, General Manager, Uttarakhand Agricultural Produce Marketing Board; M S Yadav, Deputy Director, Uttarakhand Gramya Vikas Samiti (IFAD-REAP) were present at the event.
Through this fest, the endeavour was to raise consciousness about the value of food grains, organic food and why people should prioritise their health and adopt healthy food habits.
Abhishek Bansal, Executive Director, Pacific Group, said, “Watching people’s enthusiasm and excitement at the Organic Farmers Fest was an amazing feeling for all of us. The event saw a footfall of more than 1500 people. Everyone connected with the noble idea of the event, which was to celebrate the backbone of our country- farmers and collectively commemorate the Baisakhi festival. I thank the organising team that had put a lot of hard work into organising the event and the people who attended, making the fest a spectacular success.”