The product is formulated with a unique combination of active ingredients, including an insect growth regulator
NEOGEN Corporation announced recently that it has added a new product to the trusted Prozap insect control line.
Prozap Protectus Pour-On Insecticide – IGR is a ready-to-use triple-active formula for use on beef cattle and calves that kills chewing and sucking lice, horn flies, stable flies, horse and deer flies. The product is formulated with a unique combination of active ingredients, including an insect growth regulator (IGR), adulticide, and a synergist, which provides cattle with relief from infestations and kills louse eggs before they hatch, providing season-long control of lice in one application.
The formula, which contains 3 per cent diflubenzuron, 2.5 per cent piperonyl butoxide, and 0.5 per cent lambda-cyhalothrin, is applied along the back of the animal being treated utilising a graduated applicator gun.
“We are incredibly excited to offer this new, premium insect control product to producers,” said Elizabeth Wonsowski, NEOGEN’s Ruminant Product Marketing Manager. “The formulation of the new Prozap Protectus Pour-On product provides beef cattle producers with a unique option compared to existing products currently on the market and will help minimise cattle handling, time, and labor costs associated with treatment.”
NEOGEN offers a complete insecticide product portfolio for farm, home, and ranch settings, including products for horses and livestock within barns, stables, kennels, and more.