Under BPKP, financial assistance of Rs 12200/ha for 3 years is provided for cluster formation, capacity building and continuous hand-holding by trained personnel.
The Government of India has taken a slew initiatives to promote Natural Farming through Bhartiya Prakritik Krishi Padhati (BPKP) introduced during 2020-21.
A sub scheme of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) for the promotion of traditional indigenous practices including Natural Farming. The scheme mainly emphasizes on exclusion of all synthetic chemical inputs and promotes on-farm biomass recycling with major stress on biomass mulching, use of cow dung-urine formulations and other plant-based preparations.
Under BPKP, financial assistance of Rs 12200/ha for 3 years is provided for cluster formation, capacity building and continuous hand-holding by trained personnel, certification and residue analysis.
There has been a list of the State wise details of funds released and area covered under Bhartiya Prakritik Krishi Padhthi (BPKP), where total of 409400 Ha of an area is been covered under the released amount, 4980.99 lakh.
ICAR (Indian Council of Agriculture Research) has constituted a committee for developing syllabus and curriculam of Natural farming at under graduate and post graduate level.