HomeInputsMachinery – Post-harvestingErisha Agritech inks long-term deal with MTW

Erisha Agritech inks long-term deal with MTW

image source: Newsvoir

Erisha Agritech will acquire 200 units of Belarus tractors by the end of the year 2021

Minsk Tractor Works (MTW), the Belarusian brand of agricultural machinery, has reached a long-term agreement with New Delhi-based Erisha Agritech (India) for localisation and assembly of tractors under the joint brand ’DARSH BELARUS.’ The agreement was signed between Vitali M Volk, General Director, MTW, and Darshan Rana, Managing Director, Erisha Agritech (A Rana Group Company).

Erisha Agritech will acquire 200 units of Belarus tractors by the end of the year 2021. As part of the implementation of the deal, localisation and assembly of tractors under the ’DARSH BELARUS’ brand will get underway at the Indian sites of Erisha Agritech soon.

The new agreement with MTW will enable Erisha Agritech to power optimum farming solutions to farmers and provide them with high-end technology. The two companies are also looking towards inking new deals for the supply of tractors to India’s neighbouring countries such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.

The Indian enterprise of the Rana Group is also the main promoter of Gomselmash in India through a 50:50 Joint Venture with OJSC “Gomselmash”, of the Republic of Belarus. “Gomselmash” is one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery in the world and is the market leader in combine harvesters and other complex agricultural machineries such as forage harvesters, potato harvesters, sugarcane harvesters, and cotton harvesters.

Besides, Erisha Agritech also has an exclusive partnership with Bobruiskagromash, a Belarus company that has expertise in hay management and dairy equipment, such as square baler, round straw baler, hay rake, silage mower and other tillage implements.


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