HomeAgrotechKemin Industries acquires Bio-Cide International

Kemin Industries acquires Bio-Cide International

Image source: PR Newswire

Bio-Cide is a leading multi-specialty source of chlorine dioxide-based antimicrobial technology

Kemin Industries, a global ingredient manufacturer that strives to sustainably transform the quality of life every day for 80 per cent of the world with its products and services, has announced that it has acquired Norman, Oklahoma-based Bio-Cide International, Inc. (Bio-Cide), a leading multi-specialty source of chlorine dioxide-based antimicrobial technology.

As a leader in livestock and poultry nutrition, pet food and rendering, food safety, human health and more, Kemin is working to strengthen safety throughout all stages of the food chain. Bringing a fellow leader in antimicrobial solutions into the organisation aligns with Kemin’s decades-long focus in this space.

As Kemin works toward its vision to sustainably transform the quality of life with its products and services, it is dedicated to fostering healthy people, a healthy planet, and healthy business.

The acquisition adds several new technologies to the existing Kemin portfolio of antimicrobial and food safety solutions, including: 

  • Oxine and Pro-Oxine: Effective, fast-acting, broad-spectrum antimicrobial solutions for food processing, equipment, water and animal health applications.
  • Keeper and Keeper Professional: Antimicrobial agents used to eliminate pathogens, extend shelf-life and improve the quality of red meat, seafood, poultry and post-harvest fruit and vegetable products.
  • Purite: A preservative formulated for use in prescription and over-the-counter eye care products.

Bio-Cide’s product offerings align with Kemin’s Animal Nutrition and Health; Human Nutrition and Health; and Food Technologies business units. Bio-Cide’s portfolio also presents the opportunity for Kemin to expand its range of solutions and serve new industries. 


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