It will help Farmers’ Producers’ Organisations (FPOs) to connect with the forward and backward linkages.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Indian Institute of Millets Research (ICAR-IIMR), HYDERABAD, in association with Youkta Agritech, a Social Enterprise launched a digital platform for the benefit of Farmers’ Producers’ Organizations (FPOs) to connect with the forward and backward linkages.
The Chief Guest, Y.K. Rao, Chief General Manager, Regional Office, NABARD, Hyderabad applauded the Institute for hand-holding the FPOs to become local business hub in Millets.The Guests of Honour, N.K. Anumala, DGM, Andhra Pradesh Regional Office, NABARD and Dr Ashok Alur, Director, Centre of Excellence on FPOs, Government of Karnataka apprised the participants of the respective states about the schemes available for strengthening the FPOs.
Neeraj Kumar Verma, Chief General Manager, Regional Office, NABARD, Bengaluru, Karnataka highlighted the schemes available to the FPOs for sustainability.In his address, Dr Vilas A. Tonapi, Director, ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad stressed on the need of digital platforms to connect the various stakeholders with timely information for better farming.
Dr B. Dayakar Rao, CEO, Nutrihub & PS, ICAR-IIMR, Hyderabad outlined the Institute’s role in connecting the dots between the Start-Ups and FPOs. He also underlined the creation of 50+ Start-Ups by the Nutrihub, ICAR-IIMR in the last year.
Dr Swamy Pentyala, Director, Youkta Social Enterprise, Hyderabad briefed the rationale behind the design of the productive platform. A total of 210 participants including 127 FPOs, farmers, entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, officials of NABARD and Agri-Extension Officers attended the programme.