Aimed at empowering women of the Scheduled Castes
Dr B.K Das, Director, ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Kolkata and Swami Ashrananda, Centre Head, Ramakrishna Sevashram, Bhadrak inaugurated a Ornamental Fish Culture Unit at Ramakrishna Sevashram, Bhadrak, Odisha on October 24, 2020. The Unit has been established for women of the Scheduled Castes of different villages of Bhadrak, Odisha under the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan Programme.
In his inaugural address, Dr Das highlighted the Ornamental Fish Culture’s importance and opportunity. He also outlined benefits for earning an alternative income and increasing the earning basket from the sector for the rural women.
The Ramakrishna Sevashram also conducted a seven-day training programme from October 18 to 24, 2020, prior to establishment of the unit for strengthening the theoretical and practical skills of SC Women for Ornamental Fish Culture through learning by doing practical demonstrations and class room sessions. In the first phase, the institute provided 25 fish holding tanks of 350 L capacity along with Ornamental Fish, plants, medicines, heaters, air blowers and pipes to the SC Women.
The programme was jointly organized by ICAR-CIFRI, Rotary Club, Bhubaneswar Royal, Odisha and Ramakrishna Sevashram, Bhadrak, Odisha.