The bill gives them the freedom to sell the product without the fee it collects
Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill 2020, the new farm bill has recently cheered up the farmers growing crops organically. Organic farming (without the use of chemicals) costs almost twice or thrice the usual farming that makes extensive use of pesticides.
The licensed organic farmers find it difficult to look for a buyer under the mandi system where they must compete with the usual types of farm produce. Organic farmers say that under the new system, they will have the advantage of selling directly without any mandi tax to buyers that are very limited and spread across the country.
Farmers have to take a license from the agriculture department for organic farming. They have given the undertaking that they cannot add any chemicals and only natural elements like seeds, manure, and water to be used. The bill gives them the freedom to sell the product without the mandi and the fee it collects. For organic farmers, it is not the mandi fee that bothers them but the new system that will give them wings to sell their products according to their terms and price.