The fund inflow will be utilised towards committed debt reduction target of $500 Mn by the end of March 23.
UPL Ltd. announced the completion of investment of Rs 1,580 Crore ($200 Mn) by ADIA, TPG and Brookfield for 9.09 per cent stake in UPL Sustainable Agri Solutions Limited (UPL SAS).
The fund inflow will be utilised towards committed debt reduction target of $500 Mn by the end of March’23. UPL SAS will be India’s largest ‘Integrated Agtech Platform’ and will include the India crop protection business, SWAL, Adarsh Farm Services and the Nurture digital platform.
UPL Ltd. is a global provider of sustainable agriculture products & solutions, with annual revenue exceeding US $6 billion. Through OpenAg, UPL is focused on facilitating progress for the entire agricultural value chain. We are building a network that redefines the way an entire industry thinks and works – open to fresh ideas, innovative ways, and new answers as we strive towards our mission to make every single food product more sustainable.