APEDA basket rose to $20,674 million during 2020-21 from $17,321 million in 2011-12.
According to data by the Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics (DGCI&S), exports of agricultural and processed food products under Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) basket rose to $20,674 million (Rs 15,30,50 crore) during 2020-21, from $17,321 million (Rs 83,484 crore) in 2011-12.
Non-Basmati Rice has emerged as India’s top export item among the many agricultural and processed food product exports under APEDA basket, contributing close to one fourth of the total exports in 2020-21.
Top three products in the APEDA export basket in 2020-21 were Non-Basmati Rice (23.22 per cent share), Basmati Rice (19.44 per cent) and Buffalo Meat (15.34 per cent) and these products together account for 58 per cent of total shipments.
India’s Non-Basmati rice exports was valued at $4799.91 million (Rs 35,477 crore) in 2020-21, with Basmati Rice exports a close second at $4018.71 million (Rs 29,850 crore), followed by Buffalo Meat exports at $3171.19 million (Rs23,460 crore).
Benin, Nepal, Bangladesh, Senegal and Togo were the top importers of Non-Basmati Rice from India in 2020-21. Major export destinations for Basmati Rice in 2020-21 were Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Yemen and United Arab Emirates. For Buffalo Meat exports, the top importing nations were Hong Kong, Vietnam, Malaysia, Egypt and Indonesia.
“We continue to focus on creating infrastructure for boosting exports by focusing on clusters in collaboration with state governments while taking into consideration aim of Agriculture Export Policy, 2018,” Dr M Angamuthu, Chairman, APEDA, said.
The rise in export of agricultural and processed food products has been largely due to the various initiatives taken by APEDA such as organising B2B exhibitions in different countries, exploring new potential markets through product specific and general marketing campaigns by active involvement of Indian Embassies.