Home2021 (Page 31)

Best Agrolife registered a 22 per cent growth in revenue

Delhi-headquartered Best Agrolife has been ranked 15th among the top 20 agrochemical companies in India. The ranking has been released by AgroPages an online media platform for the agrochemical industry devoted exclusively to the global agricultural business. Best Agrolife registered a 22 per cent growth in revenue, FY 2020-21 proved to be a significant year for the company. The company took progressive steps towards upgrading the portfolio from old generics to patented combinations and recently off-patented molecules.

Best Agrolife is preparing to increase its formulation plant capacity to 50,000 MTPA, which will be significantly higher than its present capacity. Considering its international footprints, the company is actively exploring various markets such as Africa, Asia, South East Asia and the Asia Pacific, European Union (EU) and the US and plans to own subsidiary companies in Africa, EU, and the US markets.

Best Agrolife registered a 22 per cent

Rolls out new product packaging that features a clean, bright design and its own unique associated animal

YACHAK, committed to providing a purely natural and organic source of energy that helps protect the trees, communities, and species of the Amazon rainforest, has rolled out a new product packaging that features a clean, bright design and its own unique associated animal. Each species is local to the Amazon Rainforest in South America where YACHAK takes its inspiration from, and plants trees as part of the brand’s reforestation efforts.

Through its partnership with the non-profit organisation One Tree Planted, YACHAK is working to restore nearly 300 acres of green space by planting 280,668 tree seedlings and will plant over 500,000 trees by 2024. The combined efforts have made long-term harvesting possible and have provided 72 farmers with sustainable income and employment. A portion of each purchase of YACHAK goes towards supporting One Tree Planted.   

Each unique flavour is made with USDA Organic ingredients including Yerba Mate, a species of the holly plant that grows in the central and southern regions of South America and provides a natural source of caffeine.

’Yachak’ is the name the indigenous Kichwa people of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon give to their Shamans. The brand is committed to providing a natural and organic source of energy that helps protect the trees, communities, and species of the Amazon rainforest.

Rolls out new product packaging that features

YV01, an autonomous spraying robot can transform the way vineyards operate and is backed by YANMAR’s long-established, cost-effective technology and quality

YANMAR has introduced a new, technological breakthrough for wine producers – a vineyard robot that offers a host of benefits for wine growing operations of all sizes including enhanced safety, productivity, cost reductions and versatility. YV01 is an autonomous spraying robot that can transform the way vineyards operate and is backed by YANMAR’s long-established, cost-effective technology and quality.


Due to its lightweight and compact dimensions, YV01 can climb and descend slopes of up to 45 per cent and won’t compress soils in any weather conditions. Furthermore, it is easily transportable on a small truck or trailer, whilst carrying a high payload of spraying fluids. Using an advanced spraying system, YV01 ensures that vines are precisely sprayed with the exact amount of droplets which means fewer spraying fluids are required


“YV01 offers cutting-edge autonomous technology and is flexible, lightweight and environmentally-friendly as it ensures highly accurate spraying on vines,” said Yanmar Europe, President, Peter Aarsen. He added: “It can be safely and simply operated by a nearby supervisor and it is ideally suited for vineyards which have narrow pathways and where the vines are not tall.


YANMAR’s electrostatic spraying mechanism accurately and precisely sprays plants producing healthier and cleaner vines. The process produces a fine stream of electrically charged spray droplets which are attracted to the plant leaves so that all surfaces, even hidden ones, are treated and excess spray is reduced to a minimum. Powered by a gasoline engine capable of extended use in the field YV01 is entering the testing and evaluation phase with an announcement about the start of sales expected during FY2022.


YV01 will be on show at the VITeff International Sparkling Wine Technology Exhibition till October 15 at Epernay, France.

YV01, an autonomous spraying robot can transform

The increasing demand for food owing to the rising population and advancement in technology is fueling the market growth

The Global Agriculture Drone Market is forecast to reach $13.31 billion by 2028, according to a new report by Reports and Data. Agriculture drones are unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) primarily used to perform the survey of farms. This technology aids the agricultural decision in collecting information, storing it for future use, combining it, and using it for analysis. They also help in maintaining the precision of the level of insecticides and pesticides used on the crops. They also monitor the irrigation system and the performance of the labour.


Factors boosting the market growth are the high awareness about agricultural drones, investment into venture funding, and advancement in farming technology that boosts productivity. An increase in demand for high yield and initiatives taken by the government to support the agricultural sector will encourage the growth of the market.


Drones provide quick information, have a low cost of operations, and can readily access areas that are hard to reach by cars and boats. However, drones are limited by weather conditions such as the speed of the wind.


However, the lack of trained pilots and air traffic management are hampering the growth of the market. The revolution of the farming sector from traditional to digitalisation will increase the demand for software used to design and maintain drones, especially in emerging nations such as China and India.


Key participants include Honeycomb Corporation, Parrot, AgEagle, DJI Technology, AeroVironment, Yamaha Motor Co, Ursula Agriculture, Delair-Tech SAS, Trimble Navigation and Precision Hawk, among others.

The increasing demand for food owing to

Leads Connect has a pan India field presence for delivering agriculture farm risk management projects. The solutions developed by the company gets validated in real-time in the context of the efficacy for solving the implementation challenges. Navneet Ravikar, CMD, Leads Connect Services reveals more in interaction

How does Leads Connect ensure a sustainable, scalable and profitable agri-business ecosystem?


The idea of a sustainable agri-business ecosystem is possible when we have a robust system to address every aspect of agriculture and its stakeholders. This requires constructing the complexities of agriculture in the context of productivity and socio-economy for timely action. 


Otherwise, effective linking of farmer produce with the market would not be possible. And such gaps may make the entire agribusiness ecosystem fragile and unsustainable. However, the presence of local complexities and challenges in terms of crop management, weather, and socio-economy / cognitive characteristics creates a very challenging scenario for developing such frameworks. Therefore, it is essential to have resources, technology and infrastructure which are capable of analysing the actual scenario accurately. Moreover, besides deciphering the situation at the hyperlocal level, upscaling is also dependent on robust systems backed by advanced technologies.


Leads Connect has a pan India field presence for delivering agriculture farm risk management projects. The organisation has a dedicated in-house research and technology team for developing solutions. So, the solutions which we deliver or develop get validated in real-time in the context of their efficacy for solving the implementation challenges. We have a hybrid approach where the power of technology is gelled with the comprehensive presence of the field team. This combination helps in assessing both the dynamics of agricultural productivity and economic viability. So, it helps take actions that are potentially beneficial for strengthening the agri-business ecosystem.  


You are providing Farm Risk Management services to Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in more than 100 districts across India. Tell us more about this initiative.


We have been associated with the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) scheme for providing farm risk management services in more than 100 districts of India. This is important to highlight that besides providing farm risk management services according to the requirements and norms of the PMFBY scheme, we have developed platforms using advanced technologies such as space technology and artificial intelligence to monitor the ground conditions in real-time. So, any aberration in the field in terms of data collection or other allied aspects of it are continuously monitored and controlled using continuous checks. 


The field, research and technology teamwork are in sync to deliver the services accurately and in time. Moreover, such aligned efforts from these teams help in identifying pertinent challenges and possible measures to mitigate the challenges faced by our clients.


We are providing claims management services to Agricultural Insurance Company (AIC) in these districts and are working in tandem with them to help settle crop insurance claim timely and judiciously.


Which are the other tie-ups with the Indian government?


The organisation has delivered projects successfully related to yield and claims-risk assessment to the nodal agency of the Indian government such as Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC). In addition, we have also delivered projects related to the mapping of agricultural infrastructures to NABCONS. In addition, we are currently associated with the nodal agency of the Assam Government for delivering a world bank funded project related to crop cutting experiments.


What will be your contributions towards farm-risk management?

We have been delivering services/projects related to farm risk management to various agencies/organisations for the last few years. In addition, the research and technology team has been engaged in developing frameworks/products to construe farm risks using advanced technologies. We believe that this is important to understand the factors which are responsible for inducing risks in the context of agricultural productivity. It is also important to assess the impact of space-time on agricultural productivity concerning biophysical parameters, weather, crop management and socio-economic conditions. 


Such a framework may help in assessing the situation at the hyperlocal level. 

Following are the aspects where Leads Connect can contribute

  • Stagewise crop phenology dynamics monitoring
  • Crop stress assessment
  • Crop loss assessment
  • Risk alerts and advisory
  • Climate-smart interventions in the context of present risks
  • Yield scenario generation in the context of present risks 


What latest R&D initiatives Lead Connect undertaken?

Leads Connect has taken various analytical initiatives about climate change and the environment and collaborated with national and international organisations of repute for research and development investigations. We are in collaboration with AIR Institute- DeepTech Lab, Spain for construing the biophysical impacts of climate change and for the development of city analytics products under the North East India initiative. Moreover, the organisation has collaborated with the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra for the development of an intelligent system to assess the environmental sustainability of the Santhal Pargana region of Jharkhand under the Jharkhand initiative. In addition, we are going to conduct a ‘National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Application of Space Technology and Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilient Agriculture and Disaster Management in collaboration with the Department of Remote Sensing, BIT Mesra. This is also worthwhile to mention that the research lab of the organisation has been active in different scientific platforms through organising scientific sessions on the application of space technology and artificial intelligence in agriculture and disaster management.   


What will be the company’s plan for the Indian market for the next five years?

The vision of the company is to provide an end-to-end solution to farmers. This means that there is the indispensability of connecting each component of the agri-value chain with utmost efficacy. It can become a possibility when there is a perfect blend of technology for development and adequate infrastructure/resources for implementation. As I mentioned earlier, we have a pan India presence and have dedicated research and technology teams, therefore, we would aim to construe the economic viability of different value chains in different agro-meteorological zones backed by the one-stop solution to all stakeholders of agriculture through our Intelligent AgriPortal. 


The AgriPortal will be capable of providing real-time insights in terms of crop health, loss assessment, yield forecast, alerts & advisory, and provide market linkages through an e-mandi platform for farmers, processors, manufacturers and retailers. We also intend to provide affordable loans and insurance to farmers through this platform. Under the alert and advisory module of the Intelligent AgriPortal, possible measures in terms of climate-smart interventions/crop management interventions will be provided for increasing agricultural productivity.



Sanjiv Das




Leads Connect has a pan India field

Net subsidy required for Rabi 2021-22 after deducting savings will be Rs 28,655 crore

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal of the Department of Fertilisers for fixation of nutrient-based subsidy rates for P&K Fertilisers for the year 2021-22 (from October 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022). 


The approved rates for Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS)shall be as: the total amount of rollover will be Rs 28,602 crore. Special one-time package for additional subsidy on DAP at the tentative additional cost of Rs 5,716 crore. Special one-time package for additional subsidy on three most consumed NPKs grades viz. NPK 10-26-26, NPK 20-20-0-13 and NPK 12-32-16 at the tentative cost of Rs 837 crore. The total subsidy required will be Rs 35,115 crore. The CCEA also approved the inclusion of Potash derived from Molasses (0:0:14.5:0) under the NBSS scheme.


Net subsidy required for Rabi 2021-22 after deducting savings will be Rs 28,655 crore. The move will enable smooth availability of all P&K fertilisers to the farmers during Rabi Season 2021-22 at the subsidised / affordable prices of fertilisers and support the agricultural sector by continuing the present subsidy levels and giving special packages of additional subsidy for DAP and three mostly consumed NPK grades.


lt will give Rs 438 per bag benefit on Di-Ammonium Phosphate (DAP) and Rs 100 per bag benefit each on NPK 10-26-26, NPK 20-20-0-13 & NPK 12-32-16 to maintain prices of these fertilizers affordable to the farmers.


The subsidy on P&K fertilisers will be provided based on the NBS rates approved by the CCEA to ensure the smooth availability of these fertilisers to the farmers at affordable prices.


The government is making available fertilisers, namely urea and 24 grades of P&K fertilisers to farmers at subsidised prices through fertiliser manufacturers/ importers. The subsidy on P&K fertilisers is being governed by the NBS Scheme w.e.f. 01.04.2010. The subsidy would be released to fertiliser companies as per the above rates so that they can make available fertilisers to farmers at an affordable price than it would have been otherwise.



Net subsidy required for Rabi 2021-22 after

He is also of the opinion to gradually reduce the fishing capacities, particularly, for overfished stocks

The Union Minister of Commerce & Industry, Consumer Affairs & Food & Public Distribution and Textiles, Piyush Goyal has called for waiver of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and dismantling new trade barriers in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


“Apart from focusing on facilitating the free flow of goods, I invite G20 countries to join in efforts to make health services accessible and more affordable by the citizens of the world by enabling a free flow of health services,” Goyal said.


Calling for an equitable and balanced outcome to the trade negotiations in the fisheries sector, Goyal advocated those countries engaged in distant water fishing should stop subsidising their fishing in high seas and gradually reduce their fishing capacities, particularly, for overfished stocks.


“To achieve balanced outcomes in fisheries subsidies, policy space for future is a must, not only to protect the livelihoods of poor and marginal fishermen and address, the food security concerns but also to diversify, modernise and develop the fisheries sector, he said. Separately, Goyal also discussed the agreement on joint multilateral positions in fisheries etc with his Australian counterpart during a one-to-one meeting.


In his G20 Ministerial Address, meanwhile, Goyal also stated that India has committed towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 


“India is among the few countries which are on track to exceed its commitments as per the Paris Agreement. We urge the members to fulfil their commitments regarding the transfer of technology and climate finance, which are far from being fulfilled by the developed countries,” he said.


He is also of the opinion to

According to the experts. Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) should have taken the final decision strictly based on the scientific merit of the submission

India Agriculture Advancement Group (IAAG) International has approached Prime Minister, Narendra Modi expressing serious concern on the inordinate delay in the approval of draft guidelines for Safety Assessment of Genome/Gene-Edited Plants by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC), the regulatory body under the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC).


The draft guidelines were reviewed by an expert committee constituted by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and subsequently endorsed by the Review Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) before it was forwarded to GEAC for approval. Therefore, sufficient scientific rigour has been applied to the formulation and endorsement of these guidelines for use across the country. GEAC should have taken the final decision strictly based on the scientific merit of the submission. Rather, the draft guidelines were sent to the States and Union Territories (UTs) seeking the comments on the exemption of the biosafety trials stipulated for the GM crops for SDN1 and SDN2 categories of genome-edited plants which will delay the process further.


Dr Ramesh Deshpande, Convener, IAAG International said, “The MoEF&CC’s communication to the states and UTs on the matter is likely to create confusion and wrong precedence. Genome-editing plants under the SDN1 and SDN2 category do not require any regulatory trials as these are similar to other varieties and hybrids bred through conventional plant breeding.”


Dr RS Paroda, Founder Chairman, Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS), said, “Outreach and effective communication strategy for much-needed public perception is critical to reap the benefits of genome-edited products. All stakeholders including government, public and private industry now need to work on the next step of educating public about the technology before it is open for public consultation because only then can an informed and unbiased decision be made.”


GEAC and MoEF&CC need to provide an early approval of the guidelines so that the country can begin to harness the benefits of gene-edited technology that has a great potential for scientific advances for ensuring nutritional and food security. To achieve the zero-hunger challenge of the United Nations, and to meet the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, especially SDG 1 and SDG 2 (eliminating poverty and hunger, respectively), we must significantly enhance the small farm productivity and double farmers’ income. Such a transformation will be possible only through the intelligent and intensive applications of new technologies and innovations such as genome editing.


The other signatories to the letter included eminent agricultural scientists Dr RB Singh, Dr Gurdev Khush and Dr G Padmanabhan. Among the others were Dr Deepak Pental, Dr KL Chadda, Dr Prabhakar Tamboli, Dr Jitendra Srivastava, Dr HS Gupta and Dr Malvika Dadlani. 

According to the experts. Genetic Engineering Appraisal

HYPERroots is ready to use and does not require preparation

Proterra has announced a sustainable, proven gel grow medium, HYPERroots, enabling propagators to achieve higher yields consistently, with minimal OpEx. HYPERroots radically reduce the amount of water required to grow food and enables unprecedented control and certainty about crop outcomes, consistently and reliably, thus supporting automation and freeing time for growers to build their businesses.

HYPERroots is ready to use and does not require preparation, a differentiator from most other grow mediums on the market today. The substrate is naturally pest and pathogen-resistant, resulting in the elimination of common pests such as fungus gnats, whiteflies, soil aphids and thrips, and has almost no watering requirements.

This firm hydrogel substance is composed of water (98 per cent) and natural organic material (2 per cent). It’s biodegradable, rapidly compostable, sourced sustainably, organic, vegan, and kosher (certifications pending).

Available in a variety of formats, sizes and nutrient formulations, HYPERroots also offers custom nutrient recipes and formats to meet customer specifications. Currently available across the US, Canada and Mexico.

HYPERroots is ready to use and does

The product acts as a powerful tool in protecting the seed and seedling from pests and diseases in the early stages

UPL has recently launched a smart technology-driven seed treatment solution Electron 3-Way Mix in the seed and plant health segment.

The company, in a statement, said the new product acts as a powerful tool in protecting the seed and seedling from pests and diseases in the early stages and helps in robust crop establishment.

According to the company, the product is cost-effective as it reduces the need for foliar applications in the initial stage of the plant cycle, which leads to a decrease in the cost of production.

“The ELECTRON 3-WM Technology will be a game-changer for the seed industry, shielding seed and crop from many problems in early stages and reducing the cost of cultivation, preparing a solid foundation for higher yield and farmer income,” said Rahul Pandey, India Marketing Head, UPL.

The product acts as a powerful tool

The summit will be held in Birmingham, UK from May 23-25, 2022

The Annual World BioProtection Summit & Awards (AWBSA), formerly the BioPesticide Summit, will be held from May 23-25, 2022 and will be held at the NEC in Birmingham, UK. The event will bring together leading figures in the biocontrol industry, academia and the public sector to share expert knowledge and address major challenges in sustainable pest and disease management in agriculture.

Attracting delegates from Europe, Asia and the Americas, the AWBSA offers global networking opportunities as well as dedicated workshops which provide support for accessing investment to commercialise new bio protection products. There will also be a celebration of the best and brightest new ideas and achievements in the sector at the annual gala dinner and awards on the opening night.

Leading experts who have already confirmed their participation in the plenary sessions include Dr Minshad Ansari, Founder and CEO of Bionema, UK; Prof Toby JA Bruce, School of Life Sciences, Keele University, UK; Prof Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, Assistant Pro Vice- Chancellor (Enterprise) at the University of South Wales, UK; Anna Gregson, Partner, UK & European Patent Attorney, Mathys & Squire, UK; Dr Fatma Kaplan, CEO/CSO, Pheronym, USA; Jennifer Lewis, Executive Director, IBMA, UK; Marcus Meadows-Smith, CEO of Bioconsortia, USA; Carol Pullen, General Manager, Oro Agri Europe; Caroline Reid, Senior Technical Support Lead – Northern Europe, Bioline Agriscience, UK; Daniel Zommick, Global Technical Development Specialist, Valent Biosciences, USA and Prof Zhibing Zhang BEng, Professor of Chemical Engineering and Co-Director of the China Institute, University of Birmingham, UK.

The summit programme can be viewed online at www.worldbioprotectionforum.com/events.

The summit will be held in Birmingham,

The new round of capital will help to provide solutions to climate and agriculture challenges

St Louis-based startup Pluton Biosciences is proud to announce the closing of its seed round, raising a total of $6.61 million in new investments. 


“With this new round of capital, we’ll be able to build Pluton’s value as an innovative force, providing solutions to the climate and agriculture challenges of our time. Credit goes to the leadership and science team who generated the results to make this all possible,” said Dr Barry Goldman, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Pluton. 


Founded in 2017, Pluton Biosciences is a natural product development company dedicated to discovering new microbes that drive environmental sustainability practices worldwide. Pluton’s current product efforts focus on agriculture, using microbes to fight climate change and replacing synthetic chemical applications with eco-friendly microbial products. 


Pluton is currently collaborating with global life sciences company Bayer to investigate the development of an all-natural, microbe-based carbon-capture soil amendment for growers by identifying and developing microbes found in soil that can store carbon and nitrogen. Pluton’s proof-of-concept research predicts that the right grouping of microbes, applied in a spray at planting and harvest, can scrub nearly two tons of carbon from the air per acre of farmland per year while replenishing nutrients in the soil.

The new round of capital will help

The company has recently introduced, BAFASAL+G, a feed additive that prevents and eliminates salmonella on the poultry farm

Proteon Pharmaceuticals India – a subsidiary of Proteon Pharmaceuticals SA Poland, will focus on the development of bacteriophages as a sustainable alternative to antibiotics in the poultry industry. It is engaged in the development of precision biology for microbiome protection to improve animal and human health and eliminating the unnecessary use of antibiotics.


Elaborating on Proteon Pharmaceuticals product development strategy, Dr Ramdas Kambale – Director- (Sales – Asia Pacific) said, “Antibiotics usage in chicken is a big concern for food safety and it is really important to take this forward to stop or minimise the usage of antibiotics and look seriously the bacteriophages as its clear-cut alternative.” 


He also added that the growing population needs to be fed with a proper protein diet which can be achieved by chicken meat being easily and safely available for sustainable consumption. 


Proteon Pharmaceuticals India had recently introduced, BAFASAL+G, a feed additive that prevents and eliminates salmonella on the poultry farm while keeping the microflora in the gut intact. 


Proteon uses precision biology for microbiome protection to improve animal and human health, increasing environmental sustainability and eliminating the unnecessary use of antibiotics.

The company has recently introduced, BAFASAL+G, a

The MoU was signed recently at Nagpur

The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute (ICAR-CCRI), Nagpur.

The MoU envisages promoting export by focussing on the creation of product-specific clusters along with the development of technologies by APEDA and ICAR-CCRI with a focus on efficient and precision farming.


The collaboration with two institutes of repute would focus on diversifying the export basket, destinations and boosting high-value agricultural products exports through establishing Brand India globally. Market development and traceability in citrus include strengthening forward and backward linkages, branding and marketing, the establishment of a market intelligence cell, the MoU states.


The MoU states that product development work consists of field digitisation, efficient quality control measures (Sanitary and Phytosanitary), development of organic farms. APEDA and ICAR-CCRI would also organise capacity building for farmers, entrepreneurs, exporters and other stakeholders to promote agri-businesses and exports.


The MoU was signed recently at Nagpur in the presence of Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India and Dr M Angamuthu, Chairman, APEDA, aimed at promotion and handholding of farmers producer organisations and farmer producer companies and linking them with international markets.


According to MoU, APEDA and ICAR-CCRI would collaborate on developing climate-resilient agriculture, promoting GAP certification, blockchain technologies and shaping business models around the needs of the farmers. The development of export protocols for citrus, especially the sea transport for long-distance markets would be undertaken. The MoU also aims at pursuing collaborative activities that enhance technology transfer and technical expertise of the university and strengthening existing laboratory facilities for testing as per the requirement of importing countries and for obtaining NABL accreditation and APEDA recognition.

The MoU was signed recently at NagpurThe