How does Leads Connect ensure a sustainable, scalable and profitable agri-business ecosystem?
The idea of a sustainable agri-business ecosystem is possible when we have a robust system to address every aspect of agriculture and its stakeholders. This requires constructing the complexities of agriculture in the context of productivity and socio-economy for timely action.
Otherwise, effective linking of farmer produce with the market would not be possible. And such gaps may make the entire agribusiness ecosystem fragile and unsustainable. However, the presence of local complexities and challenges in terms of crop management, weather, and socio-economy / cognitive characteristics creates a very challenging scenario for developing such frameworks. Therefore, it is essential to have resources, technology and infrastructure which are capable of analysing the actual scenario accurately. Moreover, besides deciphering the situation at the hyperlocal level, upscaling is also dependent on robust systems backed by advanced technologies.
Leads Connect has a pan India field presence for delivering agriculture farm risk management projects. The organisation has a dedicated in-house research and technology team for developing solutions. So, the solutions which we deliver or develop get validated in real-time in the context of their efficacy for solving the implementation challenges. We have a hybrid approach where the power of technology is gelled with the comprehensive presence of the field team. This combination helps in assessing both the dynamics of agricultural productivity and economic viability. So, it helps take actions that are potentially beneficial for strengthening the agri-business ecosystem.
You are providing Farm Risk Management services to Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in more than 100 districts across India. Tell us more about this initiative.
We have been associated with the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) scheme for providing farm risk management services in more than 100 districts of India. This is important to highlight that besides providing farm risk management services according to the requirements and norms of the PMFBY scheme, we have developed platforms using advanced technologies such as space technology and artificial intelligence to monitor the ground conditions in real-time. So, any aberration in the field in terms of data collection or other allied aspects of it are continuously monitored and controlled using continuous checks.
The field, research and technology teamwork are in sync to deliver the services accurately and in time. Moreover, such aligned efforts from these teams help in identifying pertinent challenges and possible measures to mitigate the challenges faced by our clients.
We are providing claims management services to Agricultural Insurance Company (AIC) in these districts and are working in tandem with them to help settle crop insurance claim timely and judiciously.
Which are the other tie-ups with the Indian government?
The organisation has delivered projects successfully related to yield and claims-risk assessment to the nodal agency of the Indian government such as Mahalanobis National Crop Forecast Centre (MNCFC). In addition, we have also delivered projects related to the mapping of agricultural infrastructures to NABCONS. In addition, we are currently associated with the nodal agency of the Assam Government for delivering a world bank funded project related to crop cutting experiments.
What will be your contributions towards farm-risk management?
We have been delivering services/projects related to farm risk management to various agencies/organisations for the last few years. In addition, the research and technology team has been engaged in developing frameworks/products to construe farm risks using advanced technologies. We believe that this is important to understand the factors which are responsible for inducing risks in the context of agricultural productivity. It is also important to assess the impact of space-time on agricultural productivity concerning biophysical parameters, weather, crop management and socio-economic conditions.
Such a framework may help in assessing the situation at the hyperlocal level.
Following are the aspects where Leads Connect can contribute
- Stagewise crop phenology dynamics monitoring
- Crop stress assessment
- Crop loss assessment
- Risk alerts and advisory
- Climate-smart interventions in the context of present risks
- Yield scenario generation in the context of present risks
What latest R&D initiatives Lead Connect undertaken?
Leads Connect has taken various analytical initiatives about climate change and the environment and collaborated with national and international organisations of repute for research and development investigations. We are in collaboration with AIR Institute- DeepTech Lab, Spain for construing the biophysical impacts of climate change and for the development of city analytics products under the North East India initiative. Moreover, the organisation has collaborated with the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra for the development of an intelligent system to assess the environmental sustainability of the Santhal Pargana region of Jharkhand under the Jharkhand initiative. In addition, we are going to conduct a ‘National Seminar-cum-Workshop on Application of Space Technology and Artificial Intelligence for Climate Resilient Agriculture and Disaster Management in collaboration with the Department of Remote Sensing, BIT Mesra. This is also worthwhile to mention that the research lab of the organisation has been active in different scientific platforms through organising scientific sessions on the application of space technology and artificial intelligence in agriculture and disaster management.
What will be the company’s plan for the Indian market for the next five years?
The vision of the company is to provide an end-to-end solution to farmers. This means that there is the indispensability of connecting each component of the agri-value chain with utmost efficacy. It can become a possibility when there is a perfect blend of technology for development and adequate infrastructure/resources for implementation. As I mentioned earlier, we have a pan India presence and have dedicated research and technology teams, therefore, we would aim to construe the economic viability of different value chains in different agro-meteorological zones backed by the one-stop solution to all stakeholders of agriculture through our Intelligent AgriPortal.
The AgriPortal will be capable of providing real-time insights in terms of crop health, loss assessment, yield forecast, alerts & advisory, and provide market linkages through an e-mandi platform for farmers, processors, manufacturers and retailers. We also intend to provide affordable loans and insurance to farmers through this platform. Under the alert and advisory module of the Intelligent AgriPortal, possible measures in terms of climate-smart interventions/crop management interventions will be provided for increasing agricultural productivity.
Sanjiv Das