HomeAgroPolicyAgro UniversitiesICAR-NAARM empanels eight IT Firms software solutions in agri sector

ICAR-NAARM empanels eight IT Firms software solutions in agri sector


The academy undertook a pioneering initiative for empanelling the private firms to co-develop IP-enabled IT solutions to address the issues of agricultural research, education, development etc

The ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad recently signed agreements for joint product development with eight empanelled firms. In his address, Dr P Krishnan, Member Secretary, Empanelment Operationalising Committee outlined the main objective of the occasion.


Earlier, Dr Ch Srinivasa Rao, Director, NAARM stated that the arrangement would serve as a platform for the scientists from the different ICAR Institutes to network with the ICAR-NAARM and the empanelled IT firms for jointly developing the technological solutions in their respective domains.


In his address, Dr G Venkateshwarlu, Joint Director, ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad highlighted the academy’s key roles. He also stated that the partnership will provide an opportunity for advancing the interests of the academy.


The academy undertook a pioneering initiative for empanelling the private firms to co-develop IP-enabled IT solutions to address the issues of agricultural research, education, development and governance based on mutual expertise and experience. It provides an enabling framework for Public-Private Partnership for institutionalising innovation and generating revenue from the knowledge products developed jointly by the Academy and the Empanelled Firms.


During the first phase, four firms were empanelled in 2018 under which a few prototypes/solutions for evidence-based research governance, training management and vulnerability assessment, etc., were developed.


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