HomeAgroPolicyAgro UniversitiesPAU organises webinar for flower growers

PAU organises webinar for flower growers

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95 farmers attended the session on flower cultivation

The Directorate of Extension Education, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), recently organised a webinar for the members of Flower Growers Club. A total of 95 farmers attended the webinar held under the guidance of Dr Jaskarn Singh Mahal, Director of Extension Education, PAU.

Dr TS Riar, Additional Director Communication and Programme Associate Director, said commercial floriculture is gaining momentum due to the rising demand for flowers for various occasions, such as social, religious and cultural functions. In addition, flower cultivation helps in beautifying the surroundings and symbolises harmony, peace, and gaiety, he added.

Dr Ranjeet Singh, a floriculture expert and Dr Rakesh Sharda, Principal Extension Scientist (Soil and Water Engineering), explained the cultivation of marigold in the summer season and the use of fertilizers with micro-irrigation, respectively.

Ravinder Bhalooria, Programme Coordinator, while proposing a vote of thanks, said floriculture is a profitable venture and other farmers should also adopt it along with agriculture.


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