HomeAgrotechE-commerceX5 AGRO enters into cooperative contract farming

X5 AGRO enters into cooperative contract farming

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 The company will create a cooperative and a pool of farmers across different regions. 

With the astounding success in last 6 years in Bridging the Gap between the Craftsmen of the Country and Modern Retail Space (by providing Premium Retail Space to all the Craftsmen in Malls, Metro Stations, Airports by taking care of all their risks), X5 Retail has initiated yet another concept in Farming where it focuses on the subject of Cooperative Contract Farming. Here too, bridging the GAP between Farmers and Market Place, increasing income levels of farmers and using our nation’s strengths in herbs and medicinal plants, X5 AGRO has started its logical, reasonable & ambitious journey. Contract farming is being done in the Country but in a much scattered manner. 

What X5 AGRO intends to do is:

  1. Create a Cooperative and a Pool of Farmers across different regions. Currently, it has initiated in UP, MP, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand.
  2. This will be 1 stop solution for all the farmers to get contract farming in their lands and get genuinely paid by the corporates and assured returns.
  3. Corporates too get one stop Solution to get their contract farming done with consistency in supplies and consistency in pricing.
  4. Both Farmers and Corporates interests are undertaken and guaranteed by X5 AGRO.
  5. In absence of Contract Farming, Farmer’s Crop Buy Back is assured by X5 AGRO.


X5 AGRO, will grow by itself and also ask all farmers in the cooperative to use their 20%-25% of their land in Non-Traditional Farming, with complete focus on herbs & medicinal/aromatic Plants. These crops, with all scientific intervention will be least risky as risks will be kind of covered with direct or in-direct Crop Buy Back Assurances of X5 AGRO.  

X5 AGRO not only will get the Farmers a suitable assured income for their Farm Lands but also will work upon creating markets for their crops. I.e. taking care of the headache of selling their Crops. With this, assurance of Income to Farmers will come. Not only assurance, but the returns per acre for the Farmer too will be increase with better yield. 

Besides these, the Company, will help all the Farmers in the Cooperative to get value addition tools (Small Scale / GramUdyog) for example, cold pressing machine for taking the Oil from the flaxseed crop. This will ensure that the Farmer Income for that Crop Doubles. There is also Extraction of Starch from Giloye, Distillation of Lemongrass crop, etc.

 X5 Agro, will work upon creating markets for the herbs Crops / Value Added Products in Domestic as well as Overseas Markets. The Work has already begun and there is good interest amongst buyers implying sure success is in the sight.

 Farmers from across all regions must become part of this X5 AGRO FPC and on the other hand corporates too have a unique opportunity for their Raw Material Assurances in terms of both quantities as well as quality.

With its unique preposition of farming / growing herbs & medicinal aromatic plants, farmers Cooperatives with full interests of Farmers covered. Buy Back of Crops from Farmers, Assistance in Value Addition of Farmer’s Crops, Market Creation both Domestic & Overseas will be taken care by company.

In the process taking help and Guidance of CIMAP, NABARD, Various Government Departments for empowering Farmers and Women in the Rural part of our Country.

X5 AGRO FPC is sure to bridge the GAP between farmers and market and assuring higher income to all the Farmers in the Co-operative. 

With herbs & medicinal / aromatic plants, The Company is working on the full integration right from farming till the last finished Product Market / Business Development. And the demand for these crops and their extracts is increasing each year in herbal cosmetics, health supplements and also in pharmaceutical industry.





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