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For the quarter ended on March 31, 2022, the company has registered PBT at Rs 1,785.1 million

BASF India registered sales of Rs 130,997.3 million for the financial year ended March 31, 2022, as compared to Rs 95,583.4 million in the previous year, representing an increase of 37 per cent.

The company reported Profit before tax (before exceptional items) of Rs 7,473.6 million as compared to Profit before tax (before exceptional items) of Rs. 4,378.7 million in the previous year.

For the quarter ended on March 31, 2022, the company registered sales of Rs 33,895.6 million, as compared to Rs 28,055.8 million for the corresponding period of the previous year, an increase of 21 per cent. Profit before tax (before exceptional items) stood at Rs 1,785.1 million for the quarter that ended on March 31, 2022, compared to Profit before tax (before exceptional items) of Rs 1,706.1 million for the corresponding period of the previous year.

“BASF India Limited registered a robust March quarter with sales and profits before exceptional items exceeding the previous quarter and the corresponding previous year quarter,” said Narayan Krishnamohan, Managing Director, BASF India.

“Despite the challenges posed by the second wave of COVID-19, an erratic monsoon, supply chain disruptions and intense cost pressure from commodity pricing, the company delivered record sales and profit before exceptional items for FY22, driven by volume and margin growth, Stringent working capital and cash management enabled the Company to end the financial year with zero debt,” he added.

The Board of Directors of the company have recommended a dividend of Rs 6 per equity share i.e. 60 per cent for the financial year ended March 31, 2022. This is subject to the approval of the shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

For the quarter ended on March 31,

PBT has been registered at Rs 222 crore with a decline of 24 per cent

Rallis India, a TATA Enterprise and a leading player in the Indian agri inputs industry, announced its financial results for the quarter and the financial year ended March 31, 2022.

The company recorded consolidated revenues of Rs 508 crore in Q4, an increase of 8 per cent over the previous year (PY) of Rs 471 crore. Loss before tax (before exceptional items) was at (Rs 16) crore as compared to PY of profit before tax (before exceptional item) of Rs 10 crore and the Loss after tax (after exceptional items) was (Rs 14) crore, as compared to PY profit after tax (after exceptional item) of Rs 8 crore.

During the 12 months ending March 31, 2022 quarter, the company recorded consolidated revenues of Rs 2604 crore registering a growth of 7.2 per cent over PY of Rs 2429 crore. Profit before tax (before exceptional items) was at Rs 222 crore with a decline of 24 per cent over PY of Rs 294 crore and the profit after tax (after exceptional items) was Rs 164 crore, registering a decline of 28 per cent over PY of Rs 229 crore.

Sanjiv Lal, MD and CEO, Rallis India said, “The company delivered a resilient performance in the wake of multiple headwinds during the year. Our domestic crop care business grew at 14 per cent and exports by 6.2 per cent during the year. Our seeds business faced challenges and revenue declined by 13 per cent. Supply chain challenges continued into Q4 with availability issues for certain intermediates as well as steep cost inflation. We are focussed on minimising the disruptions to our products as much as possible. Calibrated price corrections have helped in partially neutralising the material cost inflation.”

He added, “On the positive side, predictions of normal monsoons and robust commodity prices both locally and globally are expected to have a favourable impact on Indian agriculture. Moving forward we are focused on growth despite the volatile context. On a longer-term basis, our capex plans, new product introduction plans, and demand generation investments remain on course as we believe that normalcy will be restored progressively. While doing this, we are also consistently prioritising the safety and well-being of all our employees and other stakeholders.”

PBT has been registered at Rs 222