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Thursday / September 19. 2024
HomeAgribusinessMustGrow receives funding from AAFC to investigate mustard-derived ingredient opportunities

MustGrow receives funding from AAFC to investigate mustard-derived ingredient opportunities

It aims to analyse the major bioactive components in mustard seed that may have antibiotic and gut health applications in both humans and animals.

MustGrow Biologics Corp. announced funding from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (“AAFC”) to investigate mustard-derived ingredient opportunities in human & animal health and food applications (the “Project”). The funding is provided through the AgriScience Program – Projects Component, under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

The work will be conducted in connection with AAFC’s Guelph Research & Development Centre (“GRDC”) located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, and it will be led by Dr Rong Cao. Costs associated with the Project will be covered by both MustGrow and AAFC through a Collaborative Research and Development Agreement under the AgriScience Program. All investigational research activities will be conducted at the GRDC. The funding amount received from AAFC is subject to the negotiation of the Collaborative Research and Development Agreement. The funding does not imply Government of Canada endorsement of MustGrow’s findings, products, or practices.

MustGrow has always suspected potential product ingredient opportunities of mustard derivatives in human & animal health applications, including functional foods and nutraceuticals for improved immunity and gut health in humans, as natural food preservatives, as well as a replacement for antibiotics in animal feeds. The GRDC is a leading research institute in food health attributes and safety.

MustGrow will continue to focus on its core business in natural agricultural biopesticides, biofumigants, and biofertility products derived from the mustard seed or its processing by-products, while pursuing this opportunity in human and animal health in a cost-effective and expedient structure. MustGrow’s biofertility product, TerraSanteTM, is currently being marketed and sold in the United States, with additional biocontrol development programs underway with four global partners: Bayer, Sumitomo Corporation, Janssen PMP, and NexusBioAg.

Together, MustGrow and AAFC will:

Analyze the major bioactive components in mustard seed that may have antibiotic and gut health applications in both humans and animals.

Assess yellow mustard extracts for efficacy in converting glucosinolates into active ingredients that may have antibiotic and gut health applications in both humans and animals.

Test the selected bioactive components for antifungal and antibacterial activities against food spoilage microbes and disease pathogens, including the banana-plaguing disease Fusarium wilt TR4.

Test the selected bioactive components for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, for use as ingredients in functional foods and nutraceuticals for improved immunity and gut health in both humans and animals.

MustGrow has always believed that there is a potential for new products to be developed and deployed in antibiotic and gut health applications using bioactives derived from the mustard seed. These new applications would be directed at antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory uses in functional foods, gut health, and nutraceuticals in both human and animal health.

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